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(Happy Birthday to You!)教学设计

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标签:小学英语说课稿范文,pep小学英语说课稿,http://www.16qiuxue.com (Happy Birthday to You!)教学设计,

《Happy Birthday to You!》教学设计

教学内容:EEC小学英语教材第四册第五课《Happy Birthday to You!》的第二课时。






《英语新课程标准》强调重视学生实际语言运用能力的培养,倡导任务型的教学活动。在教学中,注重创设真实的情境,力求通过课堂虚拟的birthday party. 使学生在玩中学、学中用,从而促进语言能力的提高,以培养学生真实交际的能力。由此,在教学设计中我力求体现以学生为主体,以情境为主线,以交际为目的的教学特色。

Teaching Aims:


1.Knowledge(知识):使学生掌握重点单词candle(s)/blow out/ robot(s)学生能熟练掌握重点句型:Blow out all the candles. Wow. It’s a robot. I like making robots.



Important  points:祝贺朋友的生日并赠送礼物时的对话。

Difficult  points:熟练掌握所学句型,培养综合语言运用能力。

Teaching  aids:recorder,tape,a birthday hat, a birthday cake, candles, some picture and some presents,etc.

Teaching steps:

Step1: Warming -up/revision:

1) Greeting: Hello! Everybody. Nice to meet you.

2) Divide the groups: team pink, team red, team blue.

3) Warming-up: Sing “Ten Little Candles dance”

[设计意图:学生刚上课时,还没有进入学英语的状态。这时教师和学生进行简单的英语会话或者唱一支英语歌是必要的。所以,在课上我安排了师生相互问候,唱英语歌曲“Ten Little Candles dance”,营造一种轻松的学习氛围。同时通过分成三组,使学生尽快地进入到英语学习的氛围当中,为下面的学习做了铺垫。]

Step 2、Presentation:

1) Conversation:

T:Today is S1’s birthday.

Show a birthday hat, Give S1 put on the birthday hat. point the title. Guide Ss say“Happy birthday to you”and handclap.

 T&Ss: Sing“A Birthday Song.”

Give S1 a birthday cake.

T: How old are you?

S1: I’m eleven.

T: Interpolation and count eleven candles.

Ss: Look at the candles and count eleven candles.

   T: Light the candles and count the candles.

Ss: Look at the candles and count eleven candles.

   T: Look at me. (do action)blow out.(Point the candles)all the candles.

   Ss: Say the phrases after teacher.

       Then let Ss say“Blow out all the candles.”in groups.

   T asks S1: Blow out all the candles. OK?

   S1: OK. (do action)

   T: Are you happy?

   S1: Yes, I’m happy. 

T: OK. Go back to your seat.

[设计意图:创设情境,导入新知。联系生活中的情景学习英语知识,会令学生感到更亲切自然。通过给过生日的同学开birthday party. 为学生戴生日帽、送生日蛋糕、唱生日歌、数生日蜡烛等活动,大大吸引了学生的注意力。让学生在参与看、听、说、唱等活动中感知语言。这样的设计给学生一种真实的语言学习的氛围,能激起其学习兴趣,为顺利完成句型操练奠定情感基础。]


2)To learn the phrases:“blow out”. Follow me. blow out.

T: Spell the letter. Ss: Say pronunciation.

T: Say pronunciation. Ss: Spell the letter.

T: blow out (say and do). Then point Ss to say and do.

T: Say pronunciation. Ss: Spell the letter.

T: Write the phrases on the blackboard.

   3) To learn the phrases:“all the candles”

Look at the card“candles”, and learn to spell and say.

   T: (Show a candle) one candle

      (To point some candles) candles. All the candles.

Point Ss remember the candles.

   T: Write “all the candles”on the blackboard.

[设计意图:巧用TPR,学祈使句 全身反应法即TPR, 是通过身体动作教语言的方法,强调言语与动作的协调配合。运用TPR学习“Blow out ”, 给学生创造轻松愉快的学习氛围,让学生在做中学,也在学中做。让学生一边做动作,一边说短语“blow out”。一边指所有的蜡烛一边说短语“all the candles.”这样的设计给学生一种真实的语言学习的氛围,能激起其学习兴趣。]

   4) To learn the words “robot” and“robots”

T: Showing the box. What’s this in it? Guess, please.


T&Ss: Wow, it’s a robot!

T: Spell the letter. Ss: Say pronunciation.

T: Say pronunciation. Ss: Spell the letter.

Ss say together: Wow, it’s a robot.

T: Write the sentence: Wow, it’s a robot.

T: (Showing the box) What’s this in it?

Ss: Guess….

T: (Showing a robot.)It’s a robot.

Ss: It’s a robot.

T: (Showing two robots.)What are these?

Ss: They are robots.

5)drill: I like making robots.

T: (do action)I like making robots.

Ss: I like making robots.

T:(Showing the word card“make” and making)Who can read?

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