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标签:写作手法,如何提高写作能力,http://www.16qiuxue.com 例谈高考高中英语作文“六步法”,
must follow its rules and the conductors’ instructions. For example, please don’t smoke in the plane, and fasten your seat belts and even don’t make a mobile phone call to anyone else. Don’t move around until the plane lands safe. Thank you very much (81 words) 例七、改写 假定你刚从澳洲访问归来。下列的对话是你在澳洲的一段经历。请你用第一人称把这个对话改写成一篇短代。 A: Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me. B: Certainly. I will be glad to try. What do you need? A: Could you tell me when the next bus leaves for Sydney? I’m not sure how to read this timetable. B: H-m-m. It looks like one leaves at 12:25. A: Thank you very much. I couldn’t figure it out. What time do you have by your watch now? B: 11:20. You have much time. www.16qiuxue.com A: Oh, good. Do you know where I could get a cup of coffee? B: There’s a machine over there. A: I’m sorry to keep bothering you but can you show me how it works? B: Sure. Put a plastic cup under the spout. Put your money in here at the top. Select the kind of coffee you want and push the button next to it. The coffee will pour into your cup. 生词:figure out 搞清 bother 打扰 spout 喷口 1)仔细审题:本代属于记叙代题目。改写时注意 2)理清要点: 1)在汽车站等车。 2)有一位妇女坐在我旁边。 3)问下一班公交车几时发以及对方的时间。 4)因为时间充足,要咖啡喝。 5)不知道怎样使用机器,所以对方告诉了使用方法。 3)译词单句 a) I wait for a bus at a bus station. b) A woman sits next to me. c)I ask her when the next bus leaves and she tells me it is leaving at 12:25. d)Because the time is enough I want a cup of coffee to drink. e)I don’t know how to use the machine and the woman tells me its usage. 4) 连句成篇 I was waiting for a bus at a bus station. A woman sat next to me, and I asked her when the next bus left and she told me it was 12:20. Because the time was enough I wanted to drink a cup of coffee. But I didn’t know how to use the machine. 5)润色或代 I was waiting for a bus at a bus station. A woman sat next to me, and I asked her when the next bus left and she told me it was 12:20. Because the time was enough I wanted to drink a cup of coffee. But I didn’t know how to use the machine. She told me to put a plastic cup under the spout and put the money in here at the top. At last I di as she told. 6)定稿誊写 I was waiting for a bus at a bus station. I needed some help. There was a woman sitting next to me. So I asked her to tell me when the next bus left for Sydney. She told me that it was leaving at 12:20. Since I had got plenty of time I wanted to have a cup of coffee. The woman showed me a machine. But I didn’t know how to use it. She told me to put a plastic under the spout and put money in at the top. At last I did as she told me. (99 words)
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