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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 993次 12-10 20:13:50 

标签:初三作文大全,初三作文训练,初三作文网,http://www.16qiuxue.com TheFlowerislonely作文550字_初中作文,
   Sometimes,I see many beautiful peonies. They are much red color in it.I have a think that peony is a brave nymph, She perambulate in a dell or in Eden.Then the green vines are nemesis.They are very scarry.They like twine anything inborn. When the green vines twine about the peony,they are very sad and lonely …… 
  The hourglass of the time goes so fast.green vines are olderand older.Just like a devil had roared,but then 不错哦 你也可以投稿www.16qiuxue.com,he would die.Myriad green vines got death.Cause peony became very very lonely and very very sad.There is no mirth,and no mirage.   Deity is obdurate.He make the dandelions fly,and land in a place where the peonies live on.The peonies just like layers,silence forever ……


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