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英语教案-Module 3 Unit 1

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标签:小学一年级英语教案范文,一年级英语下册教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 英语教案-Module 3 Unit 1,

英语教案-Module 3 Unit 1

教        案
                                                 —— 青云   刘瑄(一年级起点 1)
Module  3    Unit  1     
Theme :Numbers 1——10
Function :  Learn  the  numbers  and  practise  the  numbers . 
Teaching    course:
1.Greeting .                                2.say  a   chant.                                
1.T: Hi! My name is Panpan.Im a boy.(热身运动).
Teacher  and  pupils  do  the  practice.Then  make  a  dialouge.
T:Whats  your   name?
S:My name is            .Whats  your   name?
T:Im           .How are you?
S:Im  fine.Thank you.How are you?
T:Im  fine,too.(奖励)
1.Listen  and  learn  the  numbers.
a.Show  the  pictures  and  learn to  say.
b.Let  the  pupils  point  the  numbers.
c.Have  a  match.
1.Play  a   game.
     Guessing   game:Show  the  cards and  guess  the  numbers .
2.Listen  and  say.
a.Listen  to  the  tape  and  follow.
b.Practise  and  do  the  actions.    
Say  numbers 1 to  10.
 Practice   the   numbers   after  class .

,英语教案-Module 3 Unit 1


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