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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 846次 12-28 20:02:30 

标签:幼儿教师演讲稿范文,幼儿教师师德演讲稿,http://www.16qiuxue.com 国际班国旗下演讲:我爱中国,



    第一次将“how are you”说成“你好吗”的时候,第一次将“good moring”说成“早上好”的时候,第一次将?(秋秋的越南名字)说成“黎明秋”的时候,我感觉自己走进了一个全新的世界,这个世界让我迷茫,让我无奈,我不知道应该如何张嘴,不敢抬头看周围中国的同学,不敢表达自己的思想。中国,在我的字典里,第一次变成了“恐惧”。





Dear teachers and school fellows,

    One year ago, China was just a word in my dictionary. Now, China is the place where I live and study.

    The first time I said how are you and good morning in Chinese, the first time I spoke out my name in Chinese, I knew that I was in a whole new world, but this world made me confused and embarrassed. I dared not open my mouth to express myself, and even not to look straight into the Chinese students’ eyes. At the very beginning, China meant fear to me.

    Luckily I came to Huamei School. Teachers and students showed me their hospitality and gave me great help. More important is that they encouraged me with big smile and nice words, at any time and anywhere. At that time, China means warmth to me.

    I study in International class. Teachers teach me the pronunciation and meaning of Chinese words and sentences. I created my first sentence, and then the second, the third…. I was excited and felt the power of the language. The more I learn about Chinese culture, the more I love this country. Then China means affection to me.

    We went to visit Chen Clan Academy and New Yuanming Park. The classical Chinese architectures and fantastic wall paintings as well as traditional dancing and folk songs all enriched with deep connotations. I am deeply attracted by this country with an ancient civilization of five thousand years. Finally China means admiration to me.

    We all know the slogan: learning Chinese happily we make new friends and know more about this world. I love Chinese and I love China more and more.

国旗下讲话:正视挫折 走向成功 初一4罗天杰  初一3陈明艺

   早上好!我发言的题目是《正视挫折 走向成功》
    成功者是需要坚韧的毅力和非凡的勇气的。一个人经历一些挫折并不是坏事情。“自古雄才多磨难,从来纨绔少伟男。”在我们成长的道路上,有坦途,也有坎坷;有鲜花,也有荆棘。在你伸手摘取美丽的鲜花时,荆棘同时会刺伤你的手。如果因为怕痛,就不愿伸手,那么对于这种人来说,再美丽的鲜花也是可望而不可及的。 成功永远属于挑战失败的人。我们拥有年轻,年轻没有失败。只要能战胜荆棘,战胜自己,即便是弄行得遍体鳞伤,至少也可以证明我们曾经奋斗过,我们不是挫折的奴隶!

Dear Teachers,schoolmates: Good morning! Today my topic is  " face up setbacks to success" there was a guy in his 20s ,he failed in doing his business,
    when he was 22 he had an unsuccessful run for the United States Senator;
    when he was 26, his loved one passed away;
    when he was 27 he had a  nervous breakdown;
    When he was 45  he again had an unsuccessful run for U.S. Senator; 
    when he was 49 he  was once again defeated by the United States Senator.
    However, he was an unsuccessful man.
    When he was 52 he was finally  elected the  16th president of the United States of America!
This is Lincoln. Success is perseverance and tenacity which  required extraordinary courage.
    To experience some setbacks in life is not a bad thing.
    In our road of growth  there is an easy path, but there is also a  rough path; we pick  flowers, but it also have thorns.

    Picking up beautiful flowers,but at the same time its thorns will stab your hands. If you insist  because of pain ,  then no matter how  beautiful the flowers is,it will  no longer be elusive.
    Success will always belong to people who challenge failure.
    Even if we are hurt , at least our strive is there to  prove that we have tried before. We are not slaves of frustration!

    Students have you ever had setbacks before? If you fail in your test,  unsatisfied by your exam and so on. This time, you stand up you,strive to succeed.
    So my fella Student, we should say this to Success  :"you should  not come too fast, too easy, laughter is always best at last " :we should say this to Setbacks: "Let the storm come more fierce now!"

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