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Talk about a lesson in 7A说课稿

一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 259次 12-28 20:02:34 

标签:初一英语说课稿范文,初中英语说课稿,http://www.16qiuxue.com Talk about a lesson in 7A说课稿,

Finally, I leave a question as homework for them to think about. That is “What will happen if there is no water?” It’s also the preparation for the second period. And there is some other routine homework, “Copy the new words” and “Recite the first two passages of the text”

Teaching reflection
I think the theme of this lesson is clear. All activities go around “water” and they are totally designed according to my students. From being interested, to learning, to expressing, the students use English more and more. In the meantime, they become conscious of the water environment. I think a language must be used in our daily life. We learn the language and we also learn from the language.

Before the class, I ask the students to get some information about the earth and the water from books or the net. It’s not only useful to the competition, but also make up for the limited knowledge in class.

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