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  • 名称:英语九年级新目标Unit5综合能力测试 下载
  • 类型:九年级英语试卷
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:12-28
  • 下载次数:224
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:2.89 MB 4
  • 推荐度:4 星级

标签:英语  能力  九年级英语试题下载,九年级英语期末试卷, 本站提供英语九年级新目标Unit5综合能力测试免费下载,http://www.16qiuxue.com
Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.   一、单项选择   1. --- Can you swim in the river?    --- No, I _____.   A. mustn’t B. may not C. can’t D. needn’t   2. --- May I go swimming now?     --- No, you ______. You must finish your homework first.   A. mustn’t B. may not C. couldn’t D. needn’t   3. --- Excuse me. Where is the zoo?     --- Sorry, I don’t know. Ask that policeman. He _____ know.   A. shall B. may C. need D. would 4. ---_______ I finish the work today?  ---No, you needn’t.   A. Must B. May C. Can D. Need   5. --- Must I finish my homework now?     --- No, you _________. You may have a rest first.   A. mustn’t B. can’t C. may not D. needn’t   6. --- Tom, where is your father?     --- I’m not sure. He_______ in his office.   A. is B. may be C. maybe D. may   7. ---______________I visit Lucy on Sunday, Mum?     ---Yes, you______________.   A. Must;can B. May;may C. Need;...,大小:2.89 MB


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