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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 351次 12-28 20:02:18 

标签:自主招生推荐信大全,实习推荐信,http://www.16qiuxue.com 电气工程师英文推荐信,

to whom it may concern:

as manager of the technical department of zhonghua port ltd。, i am very pleased to write this reference letter for mr jiao , who has been working with our center as a electronic engineer since july 2002。

since joining our company, mr jiao has been mainly involved in the maintenance and technical updating of the automatic bulk grain conveying system, which consists of belt conveyors, dust catching equipment, loading equipment, unloading equipment, measuring equipment and various valves。 control of the system is realized by network, plc modules, industrial control computers, servers and power distributions systems。

with his solid professional knowledge and high sense of responsibility,he has been acquitted himself excellently of duties assigned to him。 during his four years’ work here, he has demonstrated his preciseness, composure and conscientiousness, which are the traits of an excellent electronic engineer, when dealing with major operations of the control system。

from may 2004 to oct 2004, our company established a programming group which was responsible for developing control software (including the plc program and hmi(human-machine interface) for the 3rd phase of 400,000-ton grain conveying system。 to develop the program, we used cimplicity of ge and controllogix of ab。 mr jiao was responsible for developing the human-machine interface program, including establishing communication point with plc, XXX the drawing of communication, and writing vba scripts for manual operation。  because of the specialty of the control software, the programmer should have the rich knowledge of the automation, the electricity, the network and the computer。 due to his former work experience, mr jiao was undisputedly worth his salt。

during the past four years, mr。 jiao has taken part in all the projects debugging。 at work, he works hard to explore new and good solutions in technology and he has found more feasible ways to realize the communication between the control system and the management system。 now, the data in control system can be applied in the management system automatically, which lightened the workers’ workload and improved work efficiency。

due to his hard work, outstanding professional ability and good cooperative spirit, he has won respect from his colleagues。 as his immediate supervisor, i am very satisfied with his performance。

on the whole, mr jiao is an enterprising, reliable and competent electronic engineer。 i would like to recommend him with no reservations。

yours truly,

( referees chinese name)

manager of the technical department of zhonghua port ltd :

date:11/24/ 2008




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