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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 971次 12-28 20:02:18 

标签:自主招生推荐信大全,实习推荐信,http://www.16qiuxue.com 留学教授推荐信范文,

to whom it may concern:

as associate professor of the department of life science & engineering at harbin institute of technology (hit), one of the top ten universities in china, i am very pleased to recommend huang zaixing as a worthy candidate for admission into your distinguished postgraduate program。

i knew mr。 huang when he came into hit as a freshman and took the zoology & experiment, which is one of the courses that i taught in my department three years ago。 later, at the spring semester of the 2001-2002 academic year, he took my course of zoophysiology & experiment。 mr。 huang has a brilliant academic score。 he consistently ranked top ten in his grade during the four years of undergraduate studies。 as a quick and active learner, he was excellent in many subjects as far as i know。 for example, in the tutorial class of experiment, he anatomized the specimen accurately and rapidly。 i also heard that while most students tend to probe teachers with endless inquires about the exams before the finals he seemed to be more concerned about getting the knowledge of each course without regarding the exams。

he mastered english also。 he has no difficulty in reading reference and expressing his ideas。 as a representative of our department, he went to study science & technology in hong kong university because its teaching language is english。 he earned all the credits of the courses that he had selected。 in my opinion, the experience in hong kong is very importance for him。 and this, i think, will be helpful for him to study abroad。

in a word, i am sure that mr。 huang is an outstanding student。 he has great potential for interdisciplinary study and research。 with his academic excellence and strong motivation, i am sure that he will be qualified for your program。 i strongly recommend mr。 huang and hope you could give him positive consideration。 please feel free to contact with me if you need further information。

yours truly,

wei biao



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