Linux中的 shutdown reboot关机命令
一路求学网 阅览次数: 110次 08-24 16:44:16
标签:操作系统教程,操作系统的功能, Linux中的 shutdown reboot关机命令,
/sbin/shutdown -h 10 ’Server will be shutdowned after 10 mins’
-r Requests that the system be rebooted after it has been brought down.
-h Requests that the system be either halted or powered off after it has
been brought down, with the choice as to which left up to the system.
-H Requests that the system be halted after it has been brought down.
-P Requests that the system be powered off after it has been brought down.
-c Cancels a running shutdown. TIME is not specified with this option, the
first argument is MESSAGE.
-k Only send out the warning messages and disable logins, do not actually
bring the system down.
shutdown -h now/0
shutdown -h 10:00 /*10点关机
shutdown -h +10 10mins后关机
shutdown -r now (reboot at once)
shutdown -r +30 ’System will reboot in 30mins’
shutdown -k ’System will reboot’(发送警告信息)
shutdown -r now几乎与reboot相同,关机之前输入回填指令:
fsck - check and repair a Linux file system
fsck /dev/hda7:
To clear the wrong disk block of /dev/hda7 (单人单机模式root)shutdown reboot关机命令
/sbin/shutdown -h 10 ’Server will be shutdowned after 10 mins’
-r Requests that the system be rebooted after it has been brought down.
-h Requests that the system be either halted or powered off after it has
been brought down, with the choice as to which left up to the system.
-H Requests that the system be halted after it has been brought down.
-P Requests that the system be powered off after it has been brought down.
-c Cancels a running shutdown. TIME is not specified with this option, the
first argument is MESSAGE.
-k Only send out the warning messages and disable logins, do not actually
bring the system down.
shutdown -h now/0
shutdown -h 10:00 /*10点关机
shutdown -h +10 10mins后关机
shutdown -r now (reboot at once)
shutdown -r +30 ’System will reboot in 30mins’
shutdown -k ’System will reboot’(发送警告信息)
shutdown -r now几乎与reboot相同,关机之前输入回填指令:
fsck - check and repair a Linux file system
fsck /dev/hda7:
To clear the wrong disk block of /dev/hda7 (单人单机模式root)
,Linux中的 shutdown reboot关机命令
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