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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 495次 12-28 20:10:57 

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  JD – Jade Dynasty/Zhu Xian: World Cup 2010

  向 诛仙玩家们致以最诚挚的问候:




  JD – Jade Dynasty/Zhu Xian: World Cup 2010将在今年的晚些时候进行,对于那些有兴趣


















  JD – Jade Dynasty/Zhu Xian: World Cup 2010

  Greetings denizens of Jade Dynasty.An upcoming international pvp event in the works was mentioned in the

  forums a while back, but nothing was particularly set in stone.This news will affect you if you're competitive,

  enjoy pvp, and find the thought of an epic, international-scale event as something that interests you.

  The Jade Dynasty/Zhu Xian: World Cup 2010 is set to go later this year!For those of you who were

  following this before and want some quick facts, here you go:

  Each team will field 25 fighting players (plus an additional 5 standby players and 5 alternates)

  to represent their region in this epic tournament.

  Other versions of JD/ZX will be able to field their own team for this event.

  As this is an international event, we can only accept players with IPs from North America or

  Europe for our version of Jade Dynasty.

  All players will be given premade characters that are at equal levels with each other and equal

  gear quality, so don't worry if you haven't been playing as long as those in the other regions!

  We will soon begin the team selection process!

  You might be wondering how to be part of this elite team, although we do not have complete specifics yet, we

  will look for the following criteria in our hopeful competitors: teamwork, dependability, and overall PvP skill.

  This means that you need to be able to work with the others, since this involves large team battles, you must

  show a record of dependability, as missing a few key players can make or break a team, and the PvP skill to back

  up that teamwork spirit--know what works as a group and communicate!

  Oh yeah, the winning team will have GLOBAL BRAGGING RIGHTS for an entire year!Some epic prizes

  are also being thought up, so don't expect anything "temporary" from this either!

  Stay tuned for more information on how to be chosen for this!



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