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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 180次 12-10 19:09:20 

标签:初一作文题目,初一作文600字,初一作文大全500字,http://www.16qiuxue.com Iwithyourlove作文450字_初中作文,
           I with your love 
    I seem to hand over not and mutually with your love of horizon,     I am heading uping constantly,     You are getting down constantly, 
    So,we are between the natural affection and the friends hipalways!  
    We may these two horizons meet?  
    I seem disappointment with your love, 
    The thing hoping each time, 
    All became disappointment.  
    That ising because of what we hope will disappoint 
    May be the God gives us two of pain!  
    I don t think the God played with again us.  
    We are originally the best the best friends!  
    Why does the God want us so? 


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