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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 962次 12-10 19:16:28 

标签:初二作文网,初二作文教案,初二作文大全,http://www.16qiuxue.com Agoodboy作文500字_初中作文,
 It was a Sunday afternoon.John was sitting at the desk,doing his homework.He was so careful that he didn t see his good friend Jack was standing out of the window.When Jack knocked at the window,John noticed Jack.Jack waved his hand and asked John to play football with him.John wanted to stop to go out,but he looked at his homework and thought for a moment.At last,he refused Jack s invite.He said,"Jack,thank you.But I should finish my homework first.My mother has warned me about my homework.Anyway,I will play with you some time next week.Thank you all the same.Then he carried on with his homework. 
 How nice the boy was! 


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