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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 184次 12-10 19:30:33 

标签:初二作文网,初二作文教案,初二作文大全,http://www.16qiuxue.com 我最喜爱的明星(英文版)作文650字_初中作文,
My favourite star 
The world has many people, they do something and do it well. They are fantastic! They all are star. It ‘s the same name of them. I really admire them. And my favourite star is Bill Gates. He is very rich and he change the world. My father has some books about him. It talks about how can him rich. But most importantly, he is a kind man. He and his wife help a lot of people. He doesn’t want to leave the money in the bank or for his family. He gives a lot of money for the poor or someone need money. He is friendly to other people. So someone maybe scold him but he doesn’t angry with them. I’d like to be a person like himwww.16qiuxue.com, not friendless or malicious.It’s a good charter, so I can happy everyday and make other people happy. Oh of course, I would like to be helpful, too! 
Bill Gates is really a good person. We can study a lot of things of him. 


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