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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 318次 12-10 20:55:19 

标签:高一作文大全,高中作文范文,高中作文大全,http://www.16qiuxue.com aboutInternet作文450字_高中作文,
  Nowadays,people are busy learning the knowledge about the Internet.It is easy to get on-line,so many people are using the Internet.As students,it is more popular to send E-mail to their classmates,friends, 
teachers and so on.I think Internet is wonderful.It can make our life easier.It can help us to do a lot of things.It also makes our life colorful.It becomes one of the most inportant parts in people s lives.It s good for us.Ireallu like the Internet.I have learned a lot of things there.But we shouldn t spend too much time on the Internet. 


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