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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 504次 12-10 23:48:37 

标签:高三作文,高中作文范文,高中作文大全,http://www.16qiuxue.com YellowOverall(PartI)作文450字_高中作文,
 Once upon a time the King lf Biddli and the King of Gunjee were very angry at each other."We are going tu war!"shouted the King of Biddli."I declare war on you!When are we fighting?"shouted the King of Gunjee."We are fighting on Saturday morning." 
 Now不错哦 不错哦 你也可以投稿,this was bad news for the Queen lf Gunjee and the Queen of Biddli,because they were very good friends."Wars are stupid.We shouldn t have them at all."said the Queen lf Gunjee.Then the Queen of Biddli had an idea.  That day,the two friends went shopping and they came back with lots of yellow cloth.                   [to be continued...]


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