一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com 阅览次数: 643次 12-13 16:49:48
it take only a minute to get a crush on someone
an hour to like someone,and a day to love
someone,but it takes a liftime to forget someone to love someone is to let those we be just themselves and not twist them with our own image
otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves wefine in them
this is my think,初中英语作文我对爱的想法mythinkingoflove作文250字
it take only a minute to get a crush on someone
an hour to like someone,and a day to love
someone,but it takes a liftime to forget someone to love someone is to let those we be just themselves and not twist them with our own image
otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves wefine in them
this is my think,初中英语作文我对爱的想法mythinkingoflove作文250字
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