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英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly revision

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标签:高二英语选修7教案范文,高二英语下册教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly revision,

  Part 4. Read the instruction and go over the example with the class. Make sure the students understand what to do. Try the first two with the whole class, then let the students work through the exercise. Check the answers at the end.

Ex. 2 Read aloud the instructions of Ex.2 and check that the students understand the meaning. Then allow them several minutes to go over all the sentences and work out the correct order. Get a couple of the students to read the whole story.

Step ⅨHomework

  1. Read the passage again.

  2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

  3. Preview the next lesson


  1.Suppose you are a keeper working in the zoo in southeast London. Say something about the young lion that escaped from the zoo and how your colleague and you caught the lion at last.
For example:1. go to work as usual, 2. get the news---the lion had escaped 3. be told to get the “ pipes” ready 4. go out at 1:30 ,the lion appeared 5. catch the lion
I’m a keeper working in the zoo in southeast London. This morning I drove to our zoo to work as usual. When I arrived at the zoo, my colleague, Bob, told me that a young lion had escaped from the zoo as a result of the …..
  如:1)First you should get a tank if you want to keep fish. Do not use a small round bowl, otherwise the fish will not get enough air.2)The tank can be about 30 centimetre (cm)by 30 cm by 50 cm.. Check the prices before you decide to buy one tank……….

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,英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly revision


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