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单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The Second period)

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标签:高二英语选修7教案范文,高二英语下册教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The Second period),

单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The Second period)

            The Second Period
            Teaching Aims:
            1. Learn and master the following words and phrases :
            headline, editor, informed, relate, talented, swith, for once,
            present, reflect, unique, spiritual, seldom, addict, be addicted to,
            social, ignore, even if, draw attention to, on all sides, tolerate;
            change one's mind, affair, current affairs
            2. Train the students' reading ability.
            Teaching Important Points:
            1. Words and phrases:
              more than, experienced, relate to, for once, be addicted to, even
            if, draw attention to, on all sides, change one's mind
            2. Understand the passage exactly.
            Teaching Difficult Point:
            How to help the students learn more about reporters and newspapers.
            Teaching Methods:
            1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.
            2. Careful reading to further understand the text.
            3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student take an
            active part in the activities in class.
            Teaching Aids:
            1. a recorder      2. a projector    3. the blackboard
            Teaching Procedures:
            Step I Greetings
            Greet the whole class as usual.
            StepⅡ Revision and Lead-in
            T: Yesterday, we talked a lot about news media. All the news media
            can help us learn about the world around us. Can you tell me which
            kind of news media do you think is more convenient and    cheaper
            for us to read?
            Ss: Newspaper.
            T: Yes. I agree with you. Which kinds of newspapers do you often
            Ss: The People's Daily, The Chinese Youth Daily, The Guangming
            Daily, China Daily…
            T: Tell me who write the new we read in these newspapers?
            Ss: Reporters.
            T: How is the news made and written?
            Ss: We're not quite clear about that.
            T: It doesn't matter. Today, we're going to read a passage about
            reporters and newspapers. Two of China's many talented journalists
            were asked to help us know about their work and how the news we read
            is made and written. First, let's learn the new words in this
            period. Look at the screen.
               (Teacher first asks some students to read them out and corrects
            their mistakes in pronunciation. Then explain them briefly. At the
            end, let the students read them for a while. )
            Step Ⅲ Reading
            T: OK. Now, please open your books at Page 11. Look at the title of
            the text and the pictures. Try to guess which of the top questions
            the text will answer. I give you one minute to read each question
            and make a guess. If necessary, you can discuss with your partner.
             ( A minute later.)
            T: Are you ready?
            Ss: Yes.
             T: Who'd like to tell us your guess?
             (Their guess may be right or wrong.)

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