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高二英语第一单元Mainly Revision

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标签:高二英语选修7教案范文,高二英语下册教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 高二英语第一单元Mainly Revision,

高二英语第一单元Mainly Revision

科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit1.1.doc
章节 第一单元
1.对话(Lesson 1)
Asking Directions:

★Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to…?
How can I get to…?
Where is…?
Where is the nearest…?
Which is the way to…?
Giving Directions:
★Go straight ahead till you see…
down this street till you get to…
through the gate and you will find the entrance to…
★It\'s about…yards/metres down this street.
a.理解课文大意,能回答有关问题。(Wb.P74 Excise 1)
Lesson 2 Walt Disney
Para. 1 Walt Disney\'s greatest wish.
Para. 2 Encouragement from his friends.
Para. 3 Walt Disney and his mouse friend.
Para. 4 The Birth of the cartoon character,Mickey Mouse.
Para. 5 Disney\'s successes.
Lesson 3 Disneyland
1953: the first Disney Park was opened Rules: wear clean shoes and trousers
1971: Disney World was opened in Florida not allowed to have beards
1983: Tokyo Disney was opened tie back the long hair
1992: Euro-Disney was opened always smile and be friendly
The Sleeping Beauty Castle: The Tomorrow Land Building:
A favourite place for visitors Go inside the space
a.单词:ahead, entrance, free, sign, encourage, well-known, unsuccessful, studio, operate, imagine, though.
b.词组:take along (wish sb.), in the hope of, of interest, lose heart, day after day, as far as…, bring sth. on, in this way.
以上单词和词组可通过对话录音,教师介绍Walt Disney和Disneyland过程中呈现,然后用问答讨论课文内容等方式,再现以上单词和词组,加深理解词义,掌握用法,最后用句型转换或补全句子等方式巩固、开发运用。
例1 What will you do if your friend fails in the exam?
I will __________ him (or her) not to__________ ____________ .(encourage; lose heart)
例2 On May Day, parks are ___________ to visitors. (free)
例3 When Disney was young, he wanted to be a famous artist.
When Disney was young, he _________ _________ __________ _________ __________becoming a famous artist. (was, in, the, hope, of)
例4 They didn\'t show any interest in Disney\'s pictures, so they said, \"Sorry, we don\'t think there is _________ __________ __________ ___________ __________ _________.\"(anything, of, interest, in, your, pictures)
1.The road ahead was blocked by a big fallen tree.
2.Ahead of us is the Sleeping Beauty Castle.
3.The new building was finished three months ahead of time.
4.Haven\'t you seen the sign saying \"No Smoking\"?
5.Are dark clouds a sign of rain?
6.I explained what I couldn\'t explain in words by signs.
7.He signed his name at the bottom of the letter.
8.The policeman signed (for) them to stop.
9.The teacher encouraged the children to study on their own.
10.They are encouraged to speak out their opinions.
11.Several weeks passed, she hadn\'t received any encouraging news.
12.All the Disney parks are operated by the same company.
13.It\'s not difficult to operate that machine.
14.The doctor decided to operate on him at once.
15.The operation of a new machine can be hard to learn.
16.Let\'s meet at the entrance to the cinema.
17.He takes along a notebook wherever he goes.
18.He went there in the hope of meeting some of his old friends.
19.Day after day they did the same thing in the factory.
20.The number of the college students is increasing year by year.
21.He walked as far as the village where I lived.
22.As/So far as I know, he is still working there.
23.The waiter soon brought on the meal.
24.More study should bring on your English.
【例1】These photographs will show you ________ .
A.what does our village look like
B.what our village looks like
C.how does our village look like
D.how our village look like
根据上述原则,A和C的语序不对,再是根据look like来判定用what还是how,like是介词,跟名词或代词作宾语,所以应选B。
【例2】Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, but I can?/FONT>t remember .
A.where B.there C.which D.that
【例3】— to the Capital Theatre?

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,高二英语第一单元Mainly Revision


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