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二年级英语下册Module3 Unit1教学设计

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标签:小学二年级英语教案范文,二年级英语下册教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 二年级英语下册Module3 Unit1教学设计,

二年级英语下册Module3 Unit1教学设计

    Teaching   Plan
    School:Heping Primary School                       Name:郑言
    Title NSE     Book  4  Module  3   Unit  1
    Aims 1. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words
    2.Can discuss at affair or actions that take place
    Focus 1.Key words:"tidy room homework secret card".
    2. Help students grasp the key sentences:
    Sam isn't tidying his room.
    Is he doing his homework? No, he isn't.
    Aids Radio, cards, picture,
    Teaching Process
    Teacher's Activity Students' Activity Re-preparation
    Ⅰ: Warming up and Revision
    1. Say " hello" to children
    2. Sing a song "I'm listening to music".
    3.Review the present tense
    of the verbs
    Ⅱ: Leading-in
    Show a picture of Sam tidying his room and ask students:
    What's Sam doing? Is he reading? Now, let's listen and look.
    Ⅲ:Listening& reading Activities
    1. Play the recorder.
    2.Play and repeat the question.
    3. Show a picture about actions(listening to the radio) and ask:
    Is he doing his homework?
    Is he listening to the radio?
    4. Do some exercise
    Show some pictures and ask:
    Is he doing his homework?......
    IV:Further Development
    1.Do the SB Activity Book
    2.Make a dialogue with"Is he/she     ?Yes, he/she is. No, he
    /she isn't.
    3.Act the dialogue about the text.
    1、Listen to the tape and read the text .
    2、Copy the new words 3 times. 
    1.Say"hello"to teacher
    2.Sing together
    3.For example:
    play---playing  listen---listening
    Open their books and take a look, then answer the questions.
    No, he isn't.
    1. listen and point
    2. Sam is tidying his room.
    3.Look and answer:
    No, he isn't.
    Yes, he is.
    4.Look and answer:
    Yes, he/she is.
    No, he/she isn't.
    1.Do and check
    2. Work in pairs
    3. Act as roles 
    Feed back
,二年级英语下册Module3 Unit1教学设计
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