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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 616次 12-28 20:02:26 

标签:托班教案范文,幼儿园教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com fruit(托班英语),

Topic: fruit
Teacher: Sunny
Time: November 21st, 20xx
Teaching steps:
1. greeting;2. Warm up;3. Topic;4. Review;5. Game;6. See Goodbye to Melody;
1. Greeting:
Good morning , children.
Good morning Melody.
2. Warm up:
Let’s do the Warm up!
Ok? Ok!
<Happy go>:
Happy go, happy go,
happy, happy go,
la, la, la,
Happy, happy , go.
Good! You say: very good.
3. Topic:
No.1Look at here! What is it? It’s a apple.(orange)
(Do the action)very good! Please say:apple. Look at my mouth (Say the word for three times!) Now let’s call the card out. Ready go! (about three times)OK, OK! You’re very good!
No.2 OK, please pass down the card and say: apple, orange. OK? OK! (do the individual exercise)
No.3 教语统:Please follow me, let’s do the action! Ok, you say: I like apple (orange),yam, yam, good.
One more time.
Very good, you say : very very smart.
4. Let’s review the words: apple, orange
5. Let’s play a game. (ye. ye. ye. play a game)
Listening game:
If I say the word ,you must run to the card, quickly. OK? OK!
Speaking game:
Flashing card!
6. Say Good bye to Melody:
Then show me your hands. Please go home be a little Melody. Tell your daddy and mummy. OK? OK! Please say Goodbye to melody. Good bye, children, see you a gain! Bye—bye!



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