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My Bedroom
This is my bedroom.there is a bed, a table, a chair, a desk and some other things in the room. The desk is near the window. On it there is a lamp, a book, two pencils and some flowers. The chair is near the desk. Under it there is a football and basketball. The bed and the table are near the wall. There is a book on the table. There are also three beautiful pictures on the wall. Is the room nice? Can you tell me about your bedroom?
My Bedroom
This is my bedroom.there is a bed, a table, a chair, a desk and some other things in the room. The desk is near the window. On it there is a lamp, a book, two pencils and some flowers. The chair is near the desk. Under it there is a football and basketball. The bed and the table are near the wall. There is a book on the table. There are also three beautiful pictures on the wall. Is the room nice? Can you tell me about your bedroom?
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