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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 665次 12-13 16:43:22 

标签:小学英语作文范文,小学五年级英语作文,http://www.16qiuxue.com Mybedroom作文350字,

  My bedroom is small.There is a bed in my bedroom.The bed is green.It is on the left.There is a small table in my bedroom.There are same magzines on the table.The table is near a chair.There is my bag on the chair.There is a window in my bedroom .The window is naer my bed.

  There is a picture in my bedroom.The pictureis on the wall.My mother,my father and I in the picture.That,we are happy.

  I like my small bedroom very much!



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