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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 254次 01-26 02:07:45 

标签:初中英语作文网,初中英语作文范文,http://www.16qiuxue.com 初中英语作文作文1200字,

      The school bell erupted, teacher announced after school, I - blinked, seems to be a teacher speaks content. Then, my classmates and back schoolbag, easily outside the classroom. Out of the school gate, after being out, I saw the scene - a mother in her children. She looks very anxious, in front of the classroom, waiting for her children, and I have some strange, how could she in front of the classroom as children? This influence the teacher! Finally came home from school, she finally wrinkly eyebrows tight the loose, from inside the classroom, a little boy, he dangerous, covers. His mother saw him, immediately rushed past, from his back in his bag, and scored, and took him by the hand, and out of the school. I and they are, therefore, I have the opportunity to come out, the child a school, don't go right, the mother from her pocket, immediately took out five one-dollar RMB, the children took money and went to shop. Not and in a short while, his hands are empty (money), but a lot more in his pocket, "fries", "candy", "drink", the little boy's bag is filled, and two bottles of water in his mother's hand, and ate and drank, and boy, cheerful, sometimes he eats, he stopped, his mother would put the little boy embrace, let him eat at his shoulder. I was on my way home constantly want: how could this little boy? First, to his bag, and now your mom and dad gave you bag, until you go to university, your mom and dad will give you back schoolbag? Second, should not money, money is your parents painstakingly, sweat trades, how can you be so freely money? If you earn money, I have no words, but money isn't you earn, again say, these things cannot eat, is to make money, and small batch although these cheap, but can't eat. However, his mother also wrong -- she shouldn't spoil her children, because GuanZi "kill" like! I hope I never saw such a situation, also hope to parents, don't always spoil the child, More hope all the children, teenager in and form a good habit.



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