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  • 名称:2009年秋《英语》期中试题 下载
  • 类型:公共基础试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:10-14
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:774
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:283 KB 4
  • 推荐度:4 星级

标签:中职教育免费试题下载,中职教学资源网, 本站提供2009年秋《英语》期中试题免费下载,http://www.16qiuxue.com

I.Choose one of the words given below to complete the following sentences.
1.The children often ________ basketball in the morning.
2.I ________ you will have a good time.
3.— Would you like some apple ________ ?
— Yes, please.
4.— May I speak to Mr Wang?
—________ ,please.
5.— What’s your ________ color?
— Red.
6.— What’s this ?
— It is an ________ ,It’s a dog.
7.I go to school ________ every day.
8.This is our school.We all ________ our school.
9.I ________ English by myself.
10.There are five boys in the ________ .
Ⅱ.Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
(    )1.I don’t  like this jeep.I like ______ one.
(    )2.Where are the students? Are they in ______ ?
          A.Room 406B.the 406 Room
C.the Room 406D.406 Room
(    )3.______ China is a big country.
(    )4.There are ______ English words in this book.
          A.a thousand two hundred and fifty five.
B.one thousand two hundred and fifty-five.
C.a thousand two hundreds and fifty-five.
D.one thousand two hundred fifty-five.
(    )5.______ Greens are on holiday now.
(    )6.______ is your English teacher?
(    )7.The boys in our class like playing ______ football.
(    )8.______ of the books are English ones.
A.Two threeB.Second thirds
C.Two thirdsD.Two third
(    )9.Liu Ming is an old friend of ______.
(    )10.______ are very clever students.
Ⅲ.Complete the following passage by choosing the proper words to fill in the blanks.( 10×2′=20′)
   Jane usually gets up  1  twenty past six.At seven o’clock,She  2   breakfast with her parents.She goes to school  3  bus at half past seven.Classes  4  at eight.She has four classes in the morning.
   She has lunch  5  school at about twelve o’clock.She has two classes in the afternoon.After school,she often  6  with her classmates.At a quarter past five,she  7  the subway home.
   She gets home at five thirty and has dinner at seven. 8  dinner,She often does her homework and then watches TV  9  a little while.She goes to bed at about a quarter  10  ten.
(    )1.A.onB.atC.ofD.in
(    )2.A.hasB.eatC.drinkD.with
(    )3.A.takeB.rideC.byD.on
(    )4.A.beginB.startC.haveD.over
(    )5.A.inB.atC.ofD.by
(    )6.A.startsB.beginsC.playsD.talks
(    )7.A.takesB.ridesC.onD.by
(    )8.A.DuringB.BeforeC.HavingD.After
(    )9.A.atB.onC.withD.for
(    )10.A.toB.onC.atD.in
Ⅳ.Reading comprehension.
(A) My Home
   This is my home.There is a small garden in front of my house.There are many beautiful flowers in the garden,but there aren’t any trees in it.
   Near my house,there is a big tree.Can you see a red car under the tree?That’s my father’s.It’s quite beautiful.
   On the first floor of the house,there is a big living room,a dining room,a kitchen and a bathroom.I like watching TV in the living room.On the second floor,there are two bedrooms and a small study.I love playing on the computer in the study.
   I like my home very much.
Read the passage and mark T for True or F for False.
(   )1.There are many trees in the garden.
(   )2.There is a bathroom on the first floor.
(   )3.There’s a  garden behind the house.
(   )4.The TV is in the living room.
(   )5.They sleep on the second floor.
The telephone rang and I went to answer it.“Hello,” I said.
“Hello,”said a voice(声音).“Bill here.Is Betty there?”
“I’m sorry.”I said.“you’ve got the wrong number.”
A few seconds(秒) later,the telephone rang again.Just as I expected(预料),it was Bill.“You’ve made a mistake again,”I said.
Then the phone rang a third time.This made me angry(生气的).I spoke in a high voice,“Hello,Bill.Betty here.”
For a moment there was no voice.Then someone said,“What is the matter with you,Tom?”
   It was my mother!
1.Bill wanted to speak to _____ .
  A.TomB.his motherC.BettyD.Tom’s mother
2.Bill telephoned _____ .
  A.only onceB.twiceC.three timesD.four times
3.When the telephone rang a third time,Tom answered it in a high voice because
A.he was angryB.Bill could not hear him
C.his room was too noisyD.he liked to speak in a high voice
4.Who made a mistake? _____.
C.Betty’s motherD.Tom’s mother
5.Why did Tom’s mother say “What’s the matter with you,Tom?”
  A.Because Tom was ill
B.Because Tom spoke in a high voice
C.Because she did not know why Tom answered the telephone in that way
D.Because she had made Tom angry
  Turn the following words into the plural form.
1.girl __________2.box ________3.tomato ________
4.man ___________5.teacher ________6.factory ________
7.potato ________8.Chinese ________9.photo ________
10.foot _________
Ⅵ.Correcting the mistakes in each of the following sentences.
1.The three young man are all our teachers. ________
2.Three fifth of the students in our class are girls. ________
3.He go to school by bike every day. ________
4.Do you like to play the football? ________
5.Mike is always first one to come to school. ________
   Write a short passage about your busy Monday,you must write no less than ten sentences.The following information may help you.
(1)Your age.
(2)When do you get up,go to school and how do you go to school?
(3)How many classes do you have every day?
(4)When does your first class begin?
(5)What do you usually do after school?
My busy Monday

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