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One Learning and using language

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标签:高一英语必修2教案范文,高一英语下学期教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com One Learning and using language,

One Learning and using language

    Unit One  Learning and using language
    2nd Teaching Period              第十备课合作组
    Teaching aims and demands:
    1) Review some key words and phrases that we learned in last period.
    2) Learn to use these key words and phrases.
    3) Learn the grammar---“ direct and indirect speech.”
    4) Discover some useful structures of direct and indirect speech.
    Teaching method:
    Pair or group work to make every student work in class.
    Teaching aids:
    1) a projector
    2) a computer
    Teaching procedures:
    Step One Revision and Leading in
    1 Show them some key sentences that they learned in the last period, for example
    1) ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.
    2) tell your friend that you are concerned about him.
    3) can’t understand what you are going through.
    4) I stayed awake on purpose until …in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself.
    5) I’d seen the night face to face.
    6) I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary.
    2 Let them do group-work, try to use their own language to explain these words or phrases in English or in Chinese. (teacher may give them an example.)
    3 Ash some groups to show their answers in class.
    Step Two Exercises
    1 Do Exercise 1 on page 4 in class.
    2 Discuss the answers by themselves.
    3 check the answers in class. (show them the answers on projector).
    Step Three Using useful words and expressions
    1 Do exercise 2, 3 in class.
    2 Discuss the answers in the group.
    3 Use the computer to check the answers.
    4 Oral translation exercise
    Workbook page 42, choose three of them.
    5 Make sentences
    Give them some key expressions, ask them to use these phrase to make some sentences.
    6 Show their sentences in class.
    7 Ask them if they can make sentences with “have to” or “have got to”. (explain these two phrases, show them some examples in the book.)
    Step Four Grammar “Direct and Indirect Speech”
    1 Show them some sentences with “have to” and “have got to”, ask them if they can understand.
    1) “I have got to go to class,” said Anne.
    2) “Do you have to pay to get it repaired,” the writer asked us.
    2 Show them another style of these two sentences on the projector.
    1) Anne said that she had got to go to class.
    2) The writer asked us if we had to pay to get it repaired.
    3 Ask the students to find out the differences between the two styles above by themselves.
    4 Ask them to observe more examples on P5.
    5 Discuss the question “find out the differences between direct speech and indirect speech” in groups.
    6 Ask some of them to show their conclusion in class. (teacher makes the judgment with their answers.)
    7 Use the computer to make a conclusion (make a form).
    Step Five Exercise in class
    1 Ask them to do some exercises about direct and indirect speech in class.
    2 Ask some of them to write down their answers on the blackboard.
    3 Group-work, ask them if they can find out some mistakes on the blackboard.
    4 Check the answers.
    Step Six Oral-English Practicing
    1 Ask them to turn to P42 and read the passage.
    2 Divide them into several groups (four in a group), then play a game “what did he/she say?” carry on the conversation like this,
    A: What did they do when they arrived in the hiding place?
    B: what did he say?
    C: He asked you what they did when they arrived in the hiding place.
    D: They went quickly upstairs and closed the door behind us. (find the answers in the passage)
    3 Ask a few groups to show their dialogues if possible.
    Step Seven Summary and Homework
    1 Make a summary of what we learned today.
    2 Homework
    1) Exercise 1 on P41.
    2) Translation on P42.
    3) Look up the dictionary and find out some useful words’ English meanings, like “ ignore, entirely…”

,One Learning and using language


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