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单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The Fourth Period)

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标签:高二英语选修7教案范文,高二英语下册教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The Fourth Period),
            Step VI Writing
            T: Now, turn to Page 16. It's time for you to write a comparison
            paragraph. Before writing, please read the following instruction. It
            may be helpful for you to write your paragraph.
             (First, teacher asks one students to read through the instruction.
            Then teacher sums up some key points.)
            T: From the instruction, we know, to write a comparison paragraph,
            the first thing you should do is to think about the things you are
            going to compare before you write; then you should explain how two
            or more things, places, people or ideas are similar to or different
            from each other; besides, you should think about what
            characteristics or features are the most important, and what 
            differences or similarities will help the reader understand the
            things you are comparing. All these things are important. You must
            pay special attention to. Do you know how to write a comparision   
            paragraph now?
            Ss: Yes.
            T: Next, please look at the following information about the
            comparison between websites and newspapers. It may help you write
            your paragraph. You can read it before preparing for your  
            comparison paragraph. Of course, you can choose any other kinds of
            media to compare.    (Teacher allows the students enough time to
            prepare. After they finish it, teacher can show the following
            checklist for the students to revise what they have written and make
            some necessary changes. )
            Does your paragraph have a topic sentence?
            Is it easy to understand what you are explaining?
            Do your supporting sentences focus on the main idea?
            Have you used enough examples?
            Does your paragraph have a closing sentence?
            Is your paragraph interesting?
            Check your spelling.
            Does each sentence have a subject and a verb?
            Do the subjects and verbs agree with each other?
            Sample comparison paragraph:
            As two main media, TV and newspaper have much in common. Both of
            them can provide the information needed by people, trying to cater
            for the different tastes of people on all sides of life. Mean while,
            they make money and survive in the society by selling ads. On the
            other hand, it is the difference between them that makes them have
            their own characteristics. TV can “broadcast” the information you
            want while newspaper can’t TV can provide a series of lively
            consecutive pictures while newspaper only has printed pictures on
            it. Most of time, TV offers information for free while newspaper
            costs you money. As to which is convenient, TV is not much as easy
            as to    be taken as newspaper.
            Step Ⅶ Summary and Homework
            T: In this class, first, we've read two reports and compare them.
            Next, we've learnt to write a report. Then we learnt how to write a
            comparison paragraph. Finally, we practised writing       one.
            Through these activities, we’ve learnt more about news media and
            learnt how to write a comparison paragraph. Besides, your ability to
            use language has been well developed. After       class, you should

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