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Keep the candle Burning教案

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标签:八年级上册英语教案范文,人教八年级英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com Keep the candle Burning教案,

Keep the candle Burning教案

    Textbook:English (Student Book 4)
    Content:Unit 4 Lesson 30 Keep The Candle Burning
    Students:Junior two students
    Learning aims:
    1. Learn the new words: match, light, burn, use up, shallow, candleholder, oxygen, one-fifth
    2. Learn the important sentences:
    ① Light the candle.
    ② As the candle burns, it uses up oxygen in the air.
    ③ There is about one-fifth oxygen in the air, so the water rises and fills about one-fifth of the jar.
    Learning important and difficult points:
    e.g.    one-fifth;    two-thirds
    Learning method:
    Listen, say, read and write.
    Learning steps:
    Setp1.Class opening
    1.Revision :Which experiment did you learn in this unit?
    Step 2. Reading
    Read the new words and write.
    Step 3. Experiment
    Watch the experiment.Sum up steps of experiment.
    Step 4. Listening
    Listen to the tape and find out the useful expressions and the difficult points,and think about "what will happen?".
    Step 5. Explain and writing
    1. light
    e.g.The light is too poor to read.
    There are two lights in our classroom.
    e.g.This coat is light but very warm.
    2. use up  意思是耗尽,耗费;
    e.g.We have used up the ink.
    3. 分数的表达法:口诀:分子基,分母序,分子>1,分母加s
    e.g.    one-fifth;    two-thirds
    Step 6. Do exercises
    Let`s do an experiment.Fist find a _______and then put it in the ________.Where do we put the candleholder?Out it in the _______._________the dish ________full of water.After that,we can________the candle.Let the candle ________for two or three minutes.At last put the jar ________the candle.What can we see?As the candle burns,it ________up oxygen in the air.When the candle stop ________,it has used up all the oxygen.The water inside the jar goes________.
    Step 7. Sum up
    1. Master the words and expressions.
    2. Master the experiment.
    Step 8. Homework
    1.  Understand the meaning of the text and do it in samll groups .
    2. Remember the mastery words.
    3. Finish the activity book in lesson 30.
    4. The next reading.
,Keep the candle Burning教案
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  • tag: Burning   八年级英语教案,八年级上册英语教案范文,人教八年级英语教案,优秀教案 - 英语教案 - 八年级英语教案


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