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八年级英语上学期Units 1-6重点句型4

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标签:八年级上册英语教案范文,人教八年级英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 八年级英语上学期Units 1-6重点句型4,

八年级英语上学期Units 1-6重点句型4

    Unit Four
    1. How do you get to school ?  疑问词how 在这里是对方式进行提问
    I ride my bike / walk / take the subway .  By bike / bicycle / bus / train / subway / taxi / air / plane / ship / boat .  On foot .
    How do I get there ?  因there是副词,所以不能说get to there   Don't worry . Let me look at your map . Ok , first … , next … . Then … .
    2. How long does it take ?  疑问词hwo long是对时间长短或事物的长度提问
    It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus .
    How long does t take you to get from home to school ?
    It takes twenty-five minutes . → take sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人……时间做某事
    3. Lin Fei's home is about Kilometers from school .
    4. How far is it from your home to school ?   It's three miles .
    How far do you live from school ?   I live 10 miles from school .
    疑问词how far在这里是对距离进行提问
    5. In other parts of the world , things are different .
    6. In China , it depends on where you are .  → depend on  视……而定;决定于
    7. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus .
    8. In North America , not all students take the bus to school .   not all是部分否定,意思是并不是所有的;不是全部的
    9. Other parts of the world are different from the United States .
    10. A small number of students take the subway .  → a number of = many 许多
    11. What do you think of the transportation in your town ?  → think of 对……有某种看法
    12. When it rains I take a taxi .
    13. I have a map but in Chinese .
    14. If you have a problem , you can ask a policeman .
,八年级英语上学期Units 1-6重点句型4


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