标签:英语工作计划大全总结,http://www.16qiuxue.com 市小学英语第七册教材分析,
第七册教材分析 一、教学资源:
名称Names 内容Contents 使用者Who use it?
1. 课本
(Textbook) 课文与练习 教师、学生共用 2. 活动手册 (Activity book) 听说读写的练习 教师、学生共用 3. 教师用书 (Teachers’ Book) 1、教学要求; 2、教学建议; 3、教学资源(如:活动手册听力材料、教学简笔画、歌曲等); 教师用 4. 投影片(Film for
reflector) 课文及部分练习 教师用5. 录音带
(Tape) 课文录音、练习录音、歌曲录音 教师、学生共用 6. 教学光盘 (CD-rom) 教学材料及练习 教师、学生共用 7. 课文教学光盘 (VCD) 课文表演 教师、学生共用 8. 单词图 (Pictures of the new words) 教材中的部分单词图 教师用 9. 音标卡、音标总表 (A chart and the cards of the phonetic Symbols) 音标 教师用二、本教材主要的教学内容: (一) 语音项目: 重点掌握音标的使用。 (二)有关话题:
1.计划 (plans); 2、假日活动 (activities on holiday);
3、国家 (countries); 4、城市 (cities);
5、国旗 (national flags); 6、标志性建筑 (landmarks);
7、过去 (the past); 8、节日 (festivals) (三)功能意念项目: 1、邀请、建议及应答; 2、打电话 (四)语法项目: 1、一般将来时及时态复习 2、一般过去时
小学阶段的英语语言结构可考虑归纳如下: To be:
肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句 一般现在 I am… We/You/They are… He/She/It is… I am not…
aren’t … He/She/It isn’t … Am I …? Are we/you/they …? Is he/she/it…? 一般将来 I will be (amgoing to
be)… We/You/They will be (are going to be)… He/She/It will be(is going to
be)…I won’t be
(am not going
to be)… We/You/They won’t be (aren’t going to be)… He/She/It won’t be (isn’t goingto be)…
Will/Shall we/I…? Am I going to be …? Will you/we/they/ he/she/it…? Will you/we/they be…? Are we/they/you going to be…? Is he/she/it going to be? 一般过去 I/He/She/It was… We/You/They were… I/He/She/It wasn’t … We/You/They weren’t… Was I/he/she/it…? Were we/you/they …?There be:
肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句 一般现在 There is/are… There isn’t/aren’t... Is/Are there…? 一般将来 There is/are going to be… There will be… There isn’t/aren’t going to be… There won’t be… Will there be… ? Are there going to …? 一般过去 There was… There were… There wasn’t … There weren’t… Was/Were there…?
www.16qiuxue.comTo do (行为动词以work为例)
一般现在 I/We/You/They work… He/She/It works… I/We/You/They don’t work… He/She/It doesn’t work… Do I/you/we/they work…? Does he/she/it work…? 现在进行时 I am working… We/You/They are working…
He/She/It is
working…I am not working
… We/You/They aren’t working… He/She/It isn’t working… Am I working…? Are you/we/they working…? Is he/she/it working…? 一般将来 I/We/You/He/She/It/They will work … I’m going to work …We/You/They are
going to work… He/She/It is going to work… I/We/You/He/She/It/They won’t work… I’m not going to work… We/You/They aren’t going to work…He/She/It isn’t going to
work… Will I/we/you/ they/he/she/it work…? Am I going to work…? Are you/we/they going to work …? Is he/she going to work…? 一般过去 I/We/You/They/He/ She/It worked… I/We/You/They/He/She/It didn’t work…
Did I/we/you/they/ /he/she/it work …?特殊疑问句:
1) who
Who is/is going to be/will be/was there?
Who is cleaning the room?
Who cleaned the room?
2) what
What does he/she/it eat?
What do we/you/they eat?
What is he/she/it doing?
What are we/they doing?
What will they do?
What is he/she/it going to do?
What are we/they/you going to do?
What did I/he/she/we/you/they do?
What time/day is/was it?
What is/was the date?
What shape/city/… is/was this/that/it?
What shapes/cities/… are/were these/those/they?
3) where
Where does he/she/it live?
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