标签:英语工作计划大全总结,http://www.16qiuxue.com 复习迎考国旗下讲话稿,
We test to detect the learning outcomes of a semester, the examination results of one semester of your study of the identification of, and therefore we have a high degree of attention, not be taken lightly. But do not be too heavy psychological burden, resulting in the spirit of the pressure test may also have adversely affected. We can only fully prepared to enhance their self-confidence, prepared to fight a war, I believe that your efforts will be a success. How can we play the best level of the outstanding test results? Suggest that you do the following:
1, effective review of knowledge, poor inspection loopholes:
Carding this semester by a comprehensive knowledge, combined with normal operations, exercises to find the loopholes in their own knowledge for its own review of the development of a plan, what a clear understanding of their review, what is the focus of review. Class teacher followed carefully review our class, the ability of students may be self-review manner, students learn the basis of weak teachers may request individual counseling may also be requested to study mutual aid partners, the knowledge of the loopholes to make up on. Review in accordance with plans to complete the daily content of the review to avoid the sun for two days three days fishing net. Review in an orderly manner, so the easier wrong, and wrong to find out the knowledge, repeated practice, the rationale repeatedly. Strengthen the memory, to understand the origin and development of knowledge, clarify, and lies at the heart.
2, to develop good habits and to improve the quality of learning: Institute of class lecture, focused on active participation in learning activities, thinking of the review with the teacher to think about to change, the courage to question, dare to question. Classes under the preview to develop good habits, to focus and do not understand the question recorded in the notebook on a timely manner to the teachers and students to ask, understand so far. For teachers to remain in operation during the review to think independently and to complete carefully. Develop a habit of pre-trial title, sort out problem-solving ideas, learn to check repeatedly checked to ensure that the correct. In this way, the preview to the more comprehensive review to the more down-to-earth, the more it can greatly enhance the quality of learning.
3, do any work, to make good use of the brain:
In order to improve academic performance, but also pay attention to not do any work, to make good use of the brain. Review stage, many students have to sleepless nights, working overtime to review homework, with reduced sleep and ways to reduce the cultural and sports activities to increase learning time, not knowing that this is a lot of harmful effects. Some people can not be tired all day long, slow thinking, memory decreased, resulting in a long time to learn and inefficient. On the eve of the examination, it is absolutely necessary to step up review, but must be appropriate work and rest. For example, in a tense period of time to learn, look at the television, listen to music, or take a walk, so that the brain can get proper rest, will have a multiplier effect.
2、 养成良好习惯,提高学习质量:课上学会听讲,注意力集中,积极参与学习活动,思维随着老师的复习去想、去转,敢于质疑,敢于提问。课下养成良好的预习习惯,把重点的和不理解的问题记在笔记本上,及时向老师、同学请教,弄懂为止。对于老师在复习期间留的作业要独立思考、认真完成。养成审题习惯,理清解题思路,学会检查,反复验算,确保正确。就这样,预习地越全面、复习地越扎实,越能大大提高学习的质量。
3、 劳逸结合,有善用脑:
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