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标签:高二英语选修7教案范文,高二英语下册教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 高二英语第三单元,
  19.-Ought I to go ?
    -Yes , I think you ought . (to , ×)
  20.Since you’re tired and sleepy , why not (have , to have) a good sleep ?
  21.She has never dared (ask , to ask) them .
  22.I dare (to say , say) , it’s going to rain .
  23.Are we (bring , to bring) our books to the lecture ?
  24.Do (ask , to ask) me if you want anything .
  25.Crocodile may , and often do , swimmers . (to attack , attack )
  1.to 2.wait 3.to go , to turn 有对照之意,两个不定式都要带to。 4.to do 5.两个答案都对:whether to laugh or (to) cry可看成成语,译成“啼笑皆非”。6.to 对Would you like to…的回答是:Yes , I’d like to. 7.to 8.walk , take 9.to cry 10.hurry 11.to 对have / has to的回答应该是to。12.go , obey 13.to let , pass 14.tell need第三人称后无词形的变化,说明它是情态动词。 15.to do 16.to return 分词作结果状语表示必然的结果,不定式作结果状语表示没有预料到的结果。 17.to listen has made中的made含义是“制作”,不定式作定语。 18.to help 19.to 20.have why not后接原形动词表示建议。 21.to ask 22.say。I dare say是个固定形式。 23.to bring be to表将来。24.ask。Do / Does / Did放在动词原形前,起强调作用。 25.attack and often do看成插入语,may后接原形动词。
  1.When the f   preaches , take care of your g   .
  2.Use a book as a b   does flowers .
  3.Two d   fight for a bone , and a third runs away with it .
  4.Though your enemy seem a m   , yet watch him like a l   .
  5.A black h   lays a white egg .
  6.All a   wag their ears .
  7.He who rides a t   is afraid to dismount .
  8.A m   remains the same though dresses in silk .
  9.Take the b   by the horns .
  10.Never repeat the words of others like a p   .
  11.An o   is taken by the horns , and a man by the tongue .
  12.As the old c   crows , so does the young .
  13.A thief knows a thief , it is the same with the w   .
  14.If you run after two h   , you will catch neither .
  15.Catch the b   before you sell his skin .
  16.Where the d   is slain , some of her blood will die .
  17.As well be hanged for a sheep as for a l   .
  18.If two men ride on a h   , one must ride behind .
  19.If one s   leaps over the ditch , all the rest will follow .
  20.Who will bell the c   ?
  A.有谁敢去冒这个险哪? B.先捉到熊再卖皮。(勿过早乐观。) C.勿鹦鹉学舌。 D.黑鸡生白蛋。丑妇生俊儿。 E.听到狐狸说教,当心鹅儿被盗。 F.榜样的力量是无穷的。 G.一心不能二用。 H.处理难局要果断。 I.即使敌人像老鼠,也要当作狮子防。(不怕强敌,只怕轻敌。) J.像蜜蜂采花那样利用书。(读书要善于吸取其精华。) K.驴子都爱扇耳朵。(驴子摆耳朵,傻瓜装聪明。) L.鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。 M.老公鸡怎么啼,小公鸡怎么叫。(子女学父母。) N.牛因长角而被执,人因失言而陷身。 O.豺狼识豺狼,小偷识小偷。(同声相应,同气相投。) P.雁过留声,车过留辙。 Q.一不做,二不休。(索性蛮干。) R.骑虎难下,进退两难。 S.即便身穿绸缎,猴子还是猴子。 T.凡事总有先和后。(有先必有后。)
  1.fox , geese 2.bee 3.dogs 4.mouse , lion 5.hen 6.asses 7.tiger 8.monkey 9.bull 10.parrot 11.ox 12.cock 13.wolf 14.hares 15.bear 16.deer 17.lamb 18.horse 19.sheep 20.cat

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