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Integrating Skills教案

一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 231次 12-28 20:07:03 

标签:高三英语复习教案范文,高三英语备课教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com Integrating Skills教案,
    Possible plan:
    1. A certain place for animals.
    2. 20 taps, 10 toilets for 60 people and 3 certain places for rubbish.
    3. These facilities should be easy to use and scattered evenly in the living area.
    4.  Near the living place there should be bus stops.
    T: Since you have made the list, now make a map and mark all these facilities on the right places.
    Step Ⅲ Homework
    Task one:  Write a plan for the improvement of the campsite.
    Task two:  Write a speech to change students' opinion toward circus people.
    Possible plan:
    A Plan to Improve the Campsite
    The campsite of circus people is too crowded and inconvenient. They should enjoy good living conditions as we do. For 60 circus people more facilities should be added in order to make their life easy.
    First at least 20 taps are needed, thus these people will have enough water to use.  Besides, 10 toilets will be scattered in different parts of the living area. Three certain places for rubbish should be set where circus people can put their rubbish. The animal place will be separated from the living part with certain people in charge of them. The campsite will also will be near the town in the outskirts with bus stops near the living area. The children of circus people will enjoy convenient traffic to school. If all these demands are met, people will not think that circus people are dirty. Thus they will change their attitude ,toward circus people.
    Possible speech:
    Understand Circus People
    Here I want to let you know a fact. With our effort all the local council of Lakeside Town has improved the campsite of circus people. The circus people are enjoying a clean and convenient life as we do today. Therefore we should not laugh at these people.
    We made fun of them and looked down upon them before, but now we should change our attitude. They are the same as us and they need our respect, they need our help because their life is always on the go. They are excellent in their field. They can make tricks and magic while we can't; they suffer a more miserable life while we don't; they are discriminated just because of their life style while we are living a comfortable life. We should make a promise that from now on we should show fair attitude toward them; we should make a promise that we will try to help them instead of laughing at them.  With these promises we will all enjoy a better life.

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