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九年级英语9A Unit 2词组句型复习

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语9A Unit 2词组句型复习,

九年级英语9A Unit 2词组句型复习

    期中考试Unit 1 复习内容
    be divided into…    被分为。。。   like saving money   喜欢存钱   love peace   热爱和平
    be decided by…决定于。。。 argue with others  与别人争吵  keep secrets  保密 on the phone  通过电话 do extra work  做额外的工作   give up one's plan/dream  放弃某人的计划、梦想 a curious and outgoing person一个好奇外向的人  a curious and outgoing person一个强烈又自信的性格、人  pay no attention to details不注重细节  a polite and fair person一个礼貌又公正的人
    get along/on well with sb.  与某人相处的很好    energetic=be full of energy活力四射、充满能量
    forgive sb for his/her faults原谅某人的过失    be painted blue 涂成蓝色 take action  采取行动
    be hungry / be in hunger (starve)  饥饿       worry about not doing sth. 担心不做某事
    share similar characteristics  有着相同的个性     come up with new ideas  想出新的注意
    formal language  正式的语言   like to be the leader喜欢成为领导   which star sign…? 哪个星座
    a hard-working person一个努力工作的人  have a good sense of humour/directions有很强的幽默、方向感
    travel to different places到不同的地方去旅行    be patient enough to do sth. 做某事有足够的耐心
    be successful/ have success at school or at work在学校活工作中取得成功    hate to be like anyone else讨厌和别人一样   wait without getting angry/ with patience不生气地(有耐心)等try everything just to be different把每件事试着变得不一样    a generous and easy-going person一个慷慨又好相处地人 dream about doing sth. 梦想做某事      a creative and imaginative person一个富有创造力和想象力地人be good at planning things擅长绘画    make friends with someone who likes telling different jokes与喜欢讲笑话地交朋友    spend a lot of time on the things which will be explained to someone在要解释给别人地事情上花许多时间    show off炫耀have problems with…关于。。。有困难be afraid of doing sth. 做某事感到害怕    get full marks once in an English exam在一次英语测验中得到满分make a speech in assembly在大会上做演讲   help sb/oneself get more organized帮组某人、某人自己变得更井井有条    recommend someone as the new chairperson推荐某人为新的主席It's exciting to do…做某事是激动的    the most suitable job/position最适合的工作、位置try one's best to do sth尽某人最大的努力做某事
    (    )1. The person with the star sign Taurus is said to be _______and doesn't like to change.
    A. clever     B. stubborn      C. selfish       D. modest
    (    )2. Mike is very _______because he always gives money to others.
    A. curious     B. patient      C. active       D. generous 
    (    )3. The underlined part in the sentence "I have many good books." is a/an________.
    A. attributive      B. object        C. predicate    D. subject
    (    )4. -I'll have an English exam about star sign next Monday.
    - _____.
    A. Bad luck     B. That's great C. Glad to hear that D. Good luck to you
    (    )6. Millie is getting on well with her friends but she is a little selfish       .
    A. in time        B. on time      C. at times     D. at a time
    (    )7. Which animal is not in star signs but in the Chinese horoscope?
    A.  B.    C.     D. 
    (    )8. Don't eat        meat any more. You are        fat now.
    A. too much; much too      B. too many; many too
    C. much too; too much       D. many too; too many
    (    )9. Although Maths is very difficult, you can't       .
    A. give in it    B. give it in    C. give up it    D. give it up
    (    )10. I have        to do before the exam, so I can't watch         TV now.
    A. a lot; a lot of   B. a lot; a lot     C. a lot of; a lot    D. a lot of; a lot of
    (    )11. It's ___ of Simon to make such a mess.
    A. typical         B. selfish              C. stubborn      D. curious
    (    )12. Where ___are you going to visit there?
    A. other   B. another   C. else   D. also
    (    )13. ___Lei Feng went, he was always ready to help others.
    A. When    B. Where    C. Wherever      D. Whenever
    (    )14. It's good for you to keep ___when you have something difficult ___ .
    A. trying; to do     B. doing; to do it    C. to try; to do   D. trying; to be done
    (    )15. The river is too wide for the swimmers___.
    A. to swim   B. to swim in       C. to swim across  D. swimming

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,九年级英语9A Unit 2词组句型复习



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