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九年级英语9A Unit1必背短语

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语9A Unit1必背短语,

九年级英语9A Unit1必背短语

    9A Unit1必背短语
    ◆P6 By Mr. Ni
    1.star signs 星座                    
    2.bring me the newspaper给我带来报纸
    3.should read your star sign应该看一下你的星座
    4.be very interesting 是很有趣的
    5.the newspaper says…那份报纸写到……
    6.have lots to eat and drink有大量的吃的和喝的
    7.be hungry 饥饿
    8.shouldn't worry about not having breakfast不必担心没有早饭吃
    9.already 已经(只用于肯定句,have+Vpp)
    10.yet 已经(只用于否定句和疑问句)
    11.be familiar with对……熟悉了
    12.in Chinese culture在中国文化中
    14.find out设法弄清楚,查明
    15.find sb. / sth 发现,找到某人某物
    16.the people in the West 西方人
    =the western people
    17.want to find out more about…
    18.learn more about更多地了解……
    19.Western culture西方文化
    ◆P7 By Mr. Ni
    20.find some pictures of the 12 star signs
    21.the twelve animal signs12生肖
    22.represent             vt.表现,象征
    23.be .represented by 由……来象征
    24.know the names of the creatures
    25.write the correct names写下正确的名字
    26.the other six star signs其它的6个星座
    27.colour the pictures把那些图画图上颜色
    ◆P8~11 By Mr. Ni
    28.the star signs say about people
    29.be (not) fact(s) (不)是合事实的
    30.just for fun就/仅仅为了开玩笑
    31.read an article about看一篇关于…的文章
    32.Here is the article这里就是那篇文章
    33.…be divided into…被划分成……
    34.your date of birth你的出生日期
    35. decide your star sign决定你的星座
    36believe 相信
    37.born under the same star sign
    38.share similar characteristics
    39.be energetic and active精力充沛而又活跃
    40.sometimes too impatient有时太急躁
    41.at times=from time to time
    42.like to be the leader
    43.be selfish 自私
    44. care only about oneself只关心自己
    45.be stubborn 固执,犟
    46.do not like change不善于因时而改变
    47.a hard-working person一个勤奋的人
    48.work hard (at) 工作或学习很勤奋
    49.patient: don't give up easily耐心:不轻易放弃
    50.a curious and clever person 好奇的
    =want to know about everything
    51.be outgoing性格外向,开朗
    52.be friendly and love to meet people
    53.Your feelings change easily你情绪善变
    54.love to talk喜欢讲话
    55.love dreaming(about) 爱幻想
    56.like telling jokes喜欢讲笑话
    57.be kind心地善良
    58.love your home and family爱你的家庭和家人
    59.take care of others关心别人
    =look after others(=other people)
    60.save money储蓄
    61.save one's life挽救某人的生命
    62.a strong and confident person
    63.feel sure about one's own ability
    64.be generous慷慨大方
    65.buy your friends nice gifts
    66.a modest person一个谦虚的人
    67. worry too much过多的焦虑
    68.be practical 心灵手巧
    69.always pay attention to details总是注意细节
    70.a polite and fair person一礼貌而又平的人
    71.treat everyone equally公正地对每一个人
    72.an elegant person一个文雅的人
    73.love beautiful things热爱美好的事物
    74.argue with others (over sth.)
    75.a powerful person
    76.have lots of energy 精力充沛
    =be energetic
    77.keep secrets保守秘密
    78.be silly / foolish 傻
    79.forgive others for their mistakes 原谅…
    80.be humorous幽默的
    =have a sense of humour
    81.like to enjoy life享受生活
    82.love traveling to different places
    83. be  often successful  经常成功
    84. be good at doing sth. 擅长于做某事
    85. make or plan things制定或计划事情
    86.be patient enough有足够的耐心
    =can wait without getting angrily
    87.wait for a long time without getting angrily
    88.be kind and wise心地善良又精明理智
    89.be strange奇怪的,古怪的
    90.hate to be like others 讨厌与别人一样
    91.try to do sth 努力做某事
    92.try(do) one's best to do sth.尽力做某事
    93.try to do everything differently
    94.be generous慷慨大方
    95.be gentle 温柔的
    96.be easy-going为人随和
    =do not get angry easily
    97.be creative 有创造性,有自己主见
    98.be imaginative 想象丰富
    99.like to dream about everything好做各种梦
    100.was / were born on 26th March
    101.on 28th April在4月28日
    102.Leo and Virgo狮子座和室女座
    103.in October在十月

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,九年级英语9A Unit1必背短语



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