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九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案,

九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案

    1. 青少年问题   teenage problems  青少年的(13-19 岁的)
    青少年  teen = teenager  (13-19 岁的青少年)
    2.有 have got (英式) = have (美式)
    3.擅长于….  be good at… = do well in…   在….方面弱  be weak in…
    对…….有好处  be good for…   对……有用  be useful to …对……有价值be valuablel to …
    我擅长英语但我体育较差。 I               English but I                 sports .
    我知道体育对我们的身体有好处。 I know sports is             our bodies.
    我认为把体育学好对我们非常有用     I think learning sports well                   us .  
    4.也许你是对的          / Maybe you are right = you are               right
    5.(灯、电视等)开着、亮着   be on
    电影都放了半小时了  The film                  for half an hour
    他家的灯亮着,他一定在家。The light                in his home,he must be at home.
    现在正进行什么?/(电影院)现在正在上演什么?What's on now?
    6.使某人发疯     make me mad ≈                  
    Don't         so quickly! The way of your         a car nearly                  .
    I don't have any close friends   to talk  to           "to do sth " 作后置修饰语
    My cousin always               and                       .
    9.我父母亲整天工作  My parents work all day/                  .
    10.考试 (越来越正式) quiz ---- test ----- exam
    I don't know       to deal with it = I don't know           to do with it
    deal with 处理,解决 (经常跟how连用)/ do with  处理,解决 (经常跟what连用)
    12.I have no choice but to do my homework. 除了做作业我别无选择。
    have no choice but to ……    别无选择,只能……
    but   prep.(介词),后面的不定式是介词宾语,介词和介词宾语一起构成介词短语,在句中表选择,作状语如果谓语动词为实意动词do的某种形式时,but 后的不定式要省略符号to. 如:
    I can do nothing but let him know.   我只能通知她。
    They did nothing but complain.     他们只是抱怨。
    I often stay up late to complete the exercises ,and then I feel tired the next day
    stay up late  熬夜   stay out late 呆在外面很晚    complete = finish  完成
    14.拒绝做某事     refuse to do sth.
    I want to refuse to do so much work ,but usually I just           it  接受
    I understand that it is important to do my homework and hand it in on time . However, I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies such as playing volleyball and pingpong.
    hand in   交上;递交    spare = free 空闲的
    ●for example和such as 都具有"例如"的意思。
    such as指要将举例的事物一一罗列出来,比如:Three students are my friend, such as: Li Ming,lily and mary .但 for example 只是选举几个典型实例来说明,并不一一罗列(通常都是举一个例子)。 比如:For example, London is the capital of Britain.
    ● hardly 几乎没有, 几乎不
    我快睁不开眼了。I can hardly keep my eyes open.
    There is hardly any time left,                ?
    16. I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard我经常怀疑是否值得这么用功地学习
    be worth sth / doing sth   值得……
    颐和园值得一游The Summer Palace                         .
    这张图片至少值二十美元。 The picture                            .
    这本书值得一读。The book is worth         /It's worth reading the book.
    17. I am looking forward to a holiday without homework我一直都在盼望一个没有作业的假期
    体会 be +v-ing 的特例用法
    Look forward to sth / doing sth  期待/盼望……

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,九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案


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