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九年级英语9Aunit 1-unit2 复习提纲

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语9Aunit 1-unit2 复习提纲,

九年级英语9Aunit 1-unit2 复习提纲

    1, 我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。
    I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him.
    2, 我的钟一定是坏了。
    There must be something wrong with my clock.
    3, 你穿黑白相间的衣服很酷。
    You look cool in white and black clothes .
    White and black clothes look cool on you .
    4, 这小镇上没有什么奇怪的事发生过。
    Nothing strange happens in this town.
    5, 他每星期一情绪都很坏.
    He's always in a bad mood on Mondays.
    6, 坏的天气能影响我们的情绪。
    Bad weather can change / affect our moods .
    7, 我太困倦了,不能把戏看完。
    I'm too sleepy to watch the end of the show.
    I am not energetic enough to watch the end of the show .
    8, 音乐会使你感到轻松。
    The music will make you feel relaxed .
    9, 和她在一起我感到很轻松。
    I feel relaxed with her .
    10, 如果你的房间被涂成平静温和的蓝色,这对你的身心将大有好处。
    If your room is painted blue, a calm and peaceful colour , it is good for your mind and body .
    11, 不管你感到多么有压力还是伤心,都不要轻易放弃。
    Do not give up easily whenever you feel stressed or blue .
    12, 生活在很冷地区的人喜欢用暖色调的颜色。
    People living in cold climates prefer to use warm colours .
    13, 振作起来!情况并不象看上去那样糟。
    Cheer up! Things are not so bad as they seem.
    14, 努力学习就会成功。
    Working hard will bring you success .
    15, 这个故事让我想起了我阳光灿烂的童年。
    This story reminds me of my sunny childhood.
    16, 医生对我说,我需要好好休息。
    The doctor told me I was in need of a good rest.  
    17, 成为一个好的领导,好的身理与心理素质都是必不可少的
    Physical and mental strength are both important to be a good leader.
    18, 她很难理解他。
    She had great difficulty understanding him.
    She had some problems understanding him.
    19, 现在黄金已相当便宜了。
    Gold is rather /quite /very / too cheap now .
    20, 我宁愿看处于野生状态的动物。
    I prefer to / would rather see animals living in their natural habitat.
    21, 我宁愿照看孩子也不愿打扫房间。
    I prefer to look after the baby rather than clean the room .
    I would rather look after the baby than clean the room .
    I prefer looking after the baby to cleaning the room .
    22, 比起茶我更喜欢咖啡。
    I prefer coffee to tea .
    I like coffee better than tea .
    23, 你能为我做一些事吗?我真的需要你的帮助。
    Can you do something for me? I really need your help.
    24, 走进这房间的任何一个人都将受到惩罚。
    Anyone (who goes into this room) will be punished.(处罚)
    25, 没有他人的帮助我也把它搞定。
    I have finished it without anyone's help.
    26, 我太忙了几乎没有时间跟人除去玩。
    I am too busy to play with anybody.
    27, 我几乎什么什么人也看不见
    I could hardly see anyone .
    28, 我也看不出这张照片有什么奇怪的地方。
    I can't see anything strange about the photo, either.
    29, 我真想念你啊!
    I do miss you.
    30, 这顶帽子和鞋子完全相配。
    The hat and shoes are a perfect match.
    31, 俄国曾是一个非常强大的国家。
    Russia used to be a very powerful country.
    32, 热烈的红可以平衡平静的白。
    The powerful red balances the calm white.
    33,  Mrs Rainbow把油擦在人们的皮肤上。
    Mrs Rainbow rubs oil into people's skin.
    34, 自打她大学毕业她就从事颜色疗法这一职业。
    She has practiced colour therapy since she left college .
    35, 我们承诺帮助你成功地改变你的情绪, 否则你可以索回你的钱.
    We promise to help you successfully change your moods , or you will get your money back .
    1, 假如我们换换位子的话,你从这儿会看得更清楚。
    If we change places ,you will be able to see better from here.
    2, 我年轻的时候特别能喝酒。
    I was able to / could drink a lot of wine when I was young.
    3, 你有足够富有想像力能想出各种不同的注意来。
    You are creative enough to come up with all different ideas .
    4, 你跑得这么快,足以能追上其他人。
    You can run fast enough to catch up with the others .
    5, 把这道难题给解决了,足以证明你很聪明。
    It is very clever of you to work out the problem .
    6,  Amy刚在地上发现一个钱包,真幸运!
    It is very lucky for Amy to find a wallet lying on the ground .
    7, 能给我一些吃的吗?
    Could you give me something to eat?
    8, 这位母亲担心她儿子的安全。
    The mother is worried about her son's safety.
    9, 那么你就不应该担心不吃早饭了
    You shouldn't worry about not having breakfast then.
    10, 这班被分成了四组。
    The class is divided into four groups .
    11, 我决定做个爱问的人且不轻易放弃。
    I decided to be a curious boy and never give up .
    I made a decision to be a curious boy and never give up .
    12, 你得生日日期决定了你的星座

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,九年级英语9Aunit 1-unit2 复习提纲



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