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九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案,
    没有人能够不努力而有所成就。No one can                                   .
    28.It is better for you to go home earlier你最好早点回家    
    29.I am vey busy at the moment 此刻我非常忙   = at present = now
    30.Pay no attention to those students (who laugh at you) and be proud of your schoolwork.
    31. My penfriend in the USA hasn't replied to my last three e-mails. (回应;回答 )
    reply .  v.  意为"回答;答复"。
    n.意为"回复,答复"。  如;
    32. Many teenagers suffer from stress  许多年轻人都忍受着压力的痛苦
    suffer from….     患(某种病); 受(某种病痛)折磨; 因…而受罚〔苦, 损〕;忍受…..痛苦
    你一定是感冒了。You must have suffered from                 .
    有时我还是在吃这些弱点的苦头。Sometimes I still               these weaknesses.
    33. Trying to keep your worries to yourself can make them worse.
    34 In fact, many students of my age feel stressed.
    35. One main cause of stress is homework 压力的主要原因是家庭作业
    36. You shouldn't blame your parents in this way 你不能用这种方式责备你的父母亲
    如:It's a sunny day.    
    如:Are the children playing games ?        Where is the nearest police station?
    Don't put the glass here. Please put it over there
    What a lovely kite!
    (a)主语+谓语(S+V)→Millie smiles.
    (b)主语+谓语+宾语(S+V+DO)→I eat a banana.
    (c)主语+系动词+表语(S+V+P)→She looks happy.
    (d)主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(S+V+DO+OC)→I find her smart.
    (e)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(S+V+IO+DO)→Millie passed me the salt.
    如:(a)I believe him honest. =I believe that he is honest.
    (b)We think him the best student in our class.= We think that he _____ the best student in our class.
    (c)We found her much younger than we expected.
    =We found that she ________________ much younger than we expected.
    (d)I want her to see the pricipal about that problem.
    三、 "wh- words"+ to do sth 的用法  ("wh- words" 包括 who , what , which , when , where , how ,不包含why )
    ●特殊疑问词who、what、which 、how、when、where可以与不定式连用构成不定式短语,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等句子成份。
    1."to do sth" 做主语
    It is very important to hand in homework on time
    It  =   to hand in homework on time   (真正的主语放后面,避免头重脚轻,it 只是一个形式而已)
    2."to do sth" 做表语 (通常放在联系动词 be 的后面,表达按计划,安排等要发生的事情)
    My dream is to become a singer
    3."to do sth" 做宾语补足语 ( 通常放在宾语后面,进行补充说明,核心动词后面的那个"东西"就是宾语)
    Mr Wu asks his students to study hard  ! (叫学生干嘛,哦,认真学习!)
    4."to do sth" 做定语 (也就是"后置的修饰语")
    Have you got anything important  to tell me ?
    5."to do sth" 做状语 (目的状语/结果状语)
    He ran fast to catch the first bus  (他跑的这么快干什么,哦,目的是为了赶上早班车)
    Linda came back home to find her house on fire  (Linda 跑回家结果却发现家里的房子都着火了)
    1. He should talk to Mr Wu for help  (对划线部分提问)
    Who should he talk to for help ?
    Paul knows who he should talk to for help  (注意语序变了)
    Paul knows who to talk to for help
    2. Simon doesn't know what he should do  (注意语序)
    Simon doesn't know what to do
    3. You should decide which you should do first
    You should decide which to do first
    4. Simon just forgot when he should meet his friends
    Simon just forgot when to meet his friends
    5. Simon wants to know where he can ask for advice
    Simon wants to know where to ask for advice
    6. Millie doesn't know how she can solve her problem 
    Millie doesn't know how to solve her problem
    ●"疑问词+不定式"结构经常放在tell , show , teach , learn , know , wonder , discuss , forget , remember , decide等词之后作宾语。

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,九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案


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