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九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案,
    (  ) 20. I can hardly know _______ so complex a matter in such a case.
    A. how to do with    B. what to do with   C. what to deal with     D. how dealing with
    Sometimes you may envy others when they do a ___1__ job than you. It is not strange. If you treat envy in a right way, it can ___2__ you to move ahead. But if you are always __3__others, then it is ___4___ , because much envy may make you ___5__ your own life in the end and you have __6___time to do something you are good at.
    ___7___do you waste time to envy others? Envy ___8___ can change anything. Why not spend more time and try your best to ___9__others? It is up to you.
    Of course it is easier said than__10__. Maybe you hope not to envy others, but you ___11__how to do it, Maybe you tried many times but___12__failed. Please don't lose heart. Set a goal for ___13___, and work hard to realize it. Then you have no time to envy others, When you   ___14___, you don't need envy others any more, Isn't it true?
    Believe yourself, it is also very___15____to you.
    (    ) 1. A bad   B. good    C. worse    D. better
    (    ) 2. A. stop   B. help    C. make    D. let
    (    ) 3. A. moving  B. helping   C. envying   D. stopping
    (    ) 4. A. lucky   B. good    C. dangerous   D. badly
    (    ) 5. A. have   B. to have   C. lose    D. to lost
    (    ) 6. A. much   B. more    C. a little    D. no
    (    ) 7. A. What   B. When    C. Why    D. How
    (    ) 8. A. them      B. it           C. themselves   D. itself
    (    ) 9. A. catch   B. catch up with  C. fall behind   D. help
    (    ) 10. A. thought  B. made    C. stopped   D. done
    (    ) 11. A. know   B. don't know      C. wanted to know     D. really knew
    (    ) 12. A. no   B. less    C. hardly       D. always
    (    ) 13. A. others  B. the others   C. you     D. yourself
    (    ) 14. A. are happy  B. work hard   C. succeed   D. fail again
    (    ) 15. A. possible  B. important   C. useless   D. dangerous
    1. We all know ______ (hand) in exercises on time is necessary.
    2. You had better try _____ (give) up ______ (smoke) in public.
    3. He seems ______ (keep) worries to himself.
    4. Could you please ________ (not forget) ________ (close) the door before you leave?
    5. I wonder where _______( buy) such nice clothes .
    6. I don't know who ______ (talk) outside now.
    7. I don't know who ______ (talk) to for help.
    8. She can't decide whether _______ (go) abroad or not.
    9. I can't remember where ________ (meet) that foreigner.
    10. Can you work out how much time you need _______ (finish) it?
    1.我的父母总是对我很严格。(be strict with)
    2,他们需要学会在工作和活动中取得一种平衡(need, achieve)
    3,请告诉我何时交作业(when to)
    4.没有亲密的朋友使我觉得很孤单(make sb…)
    5.多吃蔬菜,少吃零食对你有好处。(be good for)
    梁丰初中9A UNIT3期末复习二
    1. When they saw the teacher came into the room, they stopped _______ with each other. (吵架)
    2. So far , we have never _______ the balance between hobbies and studies .(获得)
    3. The _______ on Channel 2 are more exciting than those on Channel 1. (节目)
    4. The ______ written by that boy have attracted all the children's attention. (文章)
    5. Don't argue with me any more, you have been ______ to be wrong .(证明)
    6. In the end, we ______ in reaching the top of the mountain. (success)
    7. Please don't disturb me, I am ______ to Jim's letter. (reply)
    8. Thank you for your ______, they have helped me a lot. (advice)
    9. The building ____ after this rich old man was built in 1999.(name)
    10.Try to talk to your friends when ______ sad.(feel)
    1. The members in that football team have good football s______, so they often win the matches.
    2. We will remember the v______ friendship between the Chinese and the Pakistanis.
    3. Before you go shopping, you'd better make a shopping l________.
    4. Eating too much makes you u________, it's not good for you.
    5. Every student should learn how to d_______ with stress from exams and studies.
    1. Our teachers always ask us _____________ our homework on time.
    2. ____________________ the disabled persons is impolite.
    3. It's very difficult for me ______________ this problem.
    4. Please tell me how __________________ between my study and work.

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,九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案



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