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九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语上学期Unit 3 学案,
    5. Don't ______________ alone. It is very dangerous for the children.
    6. Nancy feels sad because her parents work _______ and they don't have time for her.
    7. I told her to ___________________ the students who laugh at her.
    8. Last night he would rather watch TV than ___________ his lessons.
    9. Simon felt so tired that he couldn't _____________ his homework.
    10. They __________________ each other about their family now.
    1.目前,我喜欢的爱好是绘画。  _________________ , my favorite hobby ______________ .
    The teacher said ___________________ and ____________ the homework ____________ .
    The problem is __________________ his homework that he can't _____________________.
    4.你最好集中精力于学习,放弃爱好。___________ you ____________ your study and _________________ .
    _______ I wish Liu Xiang __________________ my ________ e-mails !
    Thank you _________ me _____________ , they helped me a lot .
    She ___________________ and doesn't know _________________ .
    Finally , Andy _________ getting her parents' support and ___________ her study and hobbies .
    ______________ this traffic accident is ________________ .
    Mum is _________ my school work and tells me to ____________ those students ____________ me
    ____________ he is ______________ himself _______________ his work !
    12.吃得太多使你不健康。 ________________ you unhealthy .
    13.潜水和游泳对你很危险。 _______ and _______________ you .
    (1)You ____________stay out too late .  (2)  ___________ you _________ stay out too late .
    One way to solve this problem is _________ your time carefully .
    (1) My job is _____________ traffic accidents.  (2) It's my job ____________ traffic accident.
    (3) ___________ traffic accident is my job.
    17. 不用问他你都知道下一步做什么。   You know _______________ next ____________ .
    18. 请问,到最近的花店怎么走?   Excuse me , could you tell me _____________ the nearest flower shop ?
    (1) _________ that you _____________________.  (wish)
    (2) _________ that you _____________________ .  (hope)
    1. It's good for you to swim and run .(同义句)     _______ and _______ good for you .
    2 He spends two hours doing his homework every day .(被动语态)
    Two hours _______________ his homework every day .
    3. They considered David the best student . (被动语态)   David _____________ the best student .
    4. Yao Ming is the pride of us Chinese .(同义句)   We Chinese ______________ Yao Ming .
    5. Sue seems much happier .(同义句)     ___________ that Sue is much happier .
    6 .Andy is not good at Physics. (同义句)     Andy is ____________ Physics.
    7. I think it important to spend some time on hobbies. (反意疑问句)
    I think it important to spend some time on hobbies.__________?
    8. If you don't go there tomorrow, I won't go, either. (同义句)   If you don't go there tomorrow, ________.
    9. I don't know how I should work out the problem. (同义句)  I don't know ____________ out the problem.
    10. You must decide which you should do first. (同义句)  You must decide ______________ first.
    In some parts of the Unites States, farming is easy. But farming has always been difficult in the north-eastern corner of the country, which is called New England.
    New England has many trees and thin, rocky soil. Anyone who wants to start a farm here has had to work very hard. The first job is to cut down all the trees. The next job is to dig the stumps (树桩) of the trees out of the soil. Then the farmer has the most difficult job of all, removing stones from his land, which never really ends, because every winter more stones appear. They come up through the thin soil from the rocks below. Farmers have to keep removing stones from the fields. Even today, farms which have been worked on for 200 years keep producing more stones.
    That is why stone walls are used instead of fences around the new England fields. The stone walls are not high, and can easily be climbed, but they keep the farmer's cow from joining his neighbors' cattle.
    (    )1.New England lies _______.
    A. in England  B. in the USA  C. to the northeast of England   D. to the northeast of Canada
    (    )2.The word 'remove' means _______.
    A. move again      B. carry out    C. take away      D. bring back
    (    )3.What is the great difficulty New England farmers have in their farming?
    A. The soil is as hard as rock        B. There are too many stones
    C. Plants scarcely grow             D. The soil is too thin

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