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九年级英语上学期Unit 4学案

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语上学期Unit 4学案,
    晚饭还没有准备好。Supper isn't ready yet. 
    邮局已经关门了吗?Is the post office closed yet? 
    20. This one- hour documentary takes a close look at the life of tigers in India.
    take a close look at …近距离地看…/关注
    21. After you watch this programme , you will realize how much danger these tigers face.
    ★face   n. 脸   v. 朝,向,面对
    The big boy ________________(打在他的脸上), and the blood run down his nose.
    我的家朝着公园                                            .
    It's typical _____him ________(面对) difficulties directly and bravely by himself.
    ★face to face 面对面        He turned around and found himself face to face with her.
    make a face at sb 对……作鬼脸     I made faces at the baby to made it laugh.
    22. The documentary explains that these tigers are being killed for their skin and bones.
    纪录片说明了这些老虎由于他们的毛皮与骨头正面临着屠杀    被动语态用于现在进行时
    23. Tiger Watch was filmed in India between 2004 and 2006 . It shows the tigers in their natural habitat.
    Tiger Watch在2004与2006年之间在印度被拍摄 。它展现了老虎在他们自然的栖息地的生活
    表演,演出 (既可作名词,也可作动词)  
    What _______________(电视节目) do you watch?
    Will this film ______________(上演)at this cinema soon?
    给……看,出示show, showed, shown
    Would you please _________________________________(给我看你的票)?
    This sign shows the road to London.
    I'll show you how to do it.  我来做给你们看该怎样做。
    His speech showed that he didn't understand the subject. 他的发言说明他对这问题并不了解。
    一些短语:show sb around sw ,  show off,  chat show,  on show=on display=on exhibition ,
    show sb. sth. 或show sth. to sb.
    24. You can see scenes of India, one of the few places on Earth where tigers still live.
    ★on earth意为"世界上",相当于in the world。有时Earth大写是为了加强语气,以烘托珍稀的含义。You are the happiest man on earth.  你是世界上最幸福的人。
    ★on earth  还可以表示"究竟,到底"
    Where on earth can he be? 译为:                   What on earth do you mean? 译为:
    25. I learn a lot about nature, history, and real-life events from them.
    26. It is you who made our story so perfect. 使我们的故事如此完美的人就是你
    27.Victor tried to throw the remote control onto the table, but it fell onto Nancy's foot..
    28. They started to argue about what TV prgrammes to watch.
    29. The two children disagree about everything and always argue.
    在……上有分歧   disagree about ……     互相意见不一致disagree  with each other
    30. Every one of them has their own favourite TV programme.
    Everyone 如果分开写成 every  one  后面就可以接of ,否则不行,只能用each
    1. while / as/when 的用法
    ①My father fell asleep  while/as he was reading the newspaper. 我父亲在看报时睡着了。
    短暂性动作               延续性动作
    ②While mother was cooking,  father was repairing the bookcase. 当妈在烧饭时,爸在修书架。
    延续性动作                延续性动作
    ③As Millie sat down in the sofa ,  Andy came into the room.  Millie刚坐下Andy就进来了
    短暂性动作                     短暂性动作
    注:when基本上都可以替换上面所有的 while/as ,差别不大!延续性动作通常用进行时来表示,
    ①I like music while my brother likes sports. 我喜欢音乐而我的哥哥喜欢体育。
    ①As he had some exercises to grade, he didn't go with us.
    ②As it is raining hard, you'd better put on your raincoat. 由于雨下得很大,你最好穿上雨衣。

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,九年级英语上学期Unit 4学案



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