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九年级英语上学期Unit 5学案

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语上学期Unit 5学案,
    为他赢得了许多荣誉 __________________________-
    空前最好的演员   _______________________-  
    进入演艺界 _________________
    .通过向我们展示大自然的美  __________________________________
    1.Many soldiers d______their lives to our motherland during the Anti-Japanese War.
    2.We should take some actions to protect the______(环境).
    3.You shold knock on the door first before e______a room.
    4.Zhao Wei is a famous_______(a waman or a girl who acts in films).I think she is good at performing.
    5.Many people m___________(regret for the loss of sb)the loss of Chen Yifei in 2005.
    6.The beautiful scenes of Yunnan a__________ lots of tourists there.
    7.She put all her _________(trying hard with mind or body) into helping needy children in poor areas.
    8.It is _______(众所周知的) that the earth travels around the sun.
    9.She had been a model before hse became a Hollywood_______(超级明星).
    10.She made her final_______(露面) in films in 1989.
    ( )1.-Do you know Betty well?   -Yes,She and I_____friends since we were born.
    A .had made   B.have become  C.have been  D.have turved
    (   )2.They ______ many English songs by the end of last term.
    A .learn    B.had learnt     C.have learnt  D.learn
    (   )3.You ______drive so fast! It is dangerous.
    A.shouldn't      B.should      C.ought to not      D.must
    (   )4.The girl devoted all her time she had ______others.
    A.to help        B.helping     C.helped       D. to helping
    (   )5.Audrey Hepbourn was born in Belgium____4th ,May 1929.
    A.at            B.in          C.on          D.from
    (   ) 6, Jakie Chan was one of the most famous ___________ in the world.
    A, actress     B, actresses       C, actor     D, actors
    (   )7, ------ My car has broken down. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow?
    -------- I'm sorry I _________. I'm leaving for London tonight.
    A, can't       B, mustn't        C, couldn't     D, shouldn't
    (   )8, I wanted to go out, but I had much homework to do. So I ________ stay at home and do my homework.     
    A, have to      B, had to          C, ought to      D, should
    (   )9, Not only my friends but also I ________ interested in those plays.
    A, are        B, am       C, is            D, were
    (   )10, ------- You are very weak. You _______ take more exercise. It's good for you.
    -------- You are right. I'll take your advice.
    A, must       B, have to        C, ought to         D, may
    1.东京作为日本首都而出名。(be famous as)
    2.我认为恐怖片不适合青少年看。(be suitable for)
    4.我们到电影院时,电影已入映了10分钟了。(be on)

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,九年级英语上学期Unit 5学案


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