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九年级英语下册Unit 2教案

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语下册Unit 2教案,

九年级英语下册Unit 2教案

    Unit 2 He was able to raise six million dollars
    Step1 Pre-reading
    1.Ask the students to say out some of the scientist and talk about them.
    T:Now ,we are going to learn something about one of the most famous scientists--Albert Einstein. What do you know about him?
    What did he study?
    When was he born?
    When did he die?
    What is his most famous discovery?
    Ask the students work in groups and discuss the questions above.
    Then ask some students to answer.
    Step2 Listen and read.
    1. Study the words of "language box"
    2. Ask the students to listen to the tape carefully,and read the text,while listening find out the places of the passage.
    Show a map of Europ and make sure the students understand where the places are.
    3. Ask the students to read the passage again and underline the new words and the words they don't know.
    Explain the new words by asking the students to try to translate the sentences.
    Step3 Read and tick
    1.Ask the students to read all the sentences.
    2.Read the passage again and do the exercise.
    3.Check the answer together.
    Step 4 Read and complete
    1. Ask the students to go over the exercises quickly and finish it.
    2. Check the answer in groups first,then ask some pairs to say out their answers.
    3. After finishing activity 3,ask the students to retell the life of Einstein.
    Step5 Read and match
    1.Do exercise by themselves
    2.Check the answer together.
    Step6 Homework.
,九年级英语下册Unit 2教案



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