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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 733次 12-28 20:17:54 

标签:英语工作计划大全总结,http://www.16qiuxue.com 二年级英语学科教学计划,

3 The rhyme

4 The sound


Before having the lesson we should get much ready for the unit. While teaching we should pay attention to the ways and the students. At last we should get a good plan for consolidating the knowledge





This unit is mainly about “shopping”, students are familiar with topic, from this unit, students will learn four words about clothes and the daily English” Can I help you? I’d like…”, teacher can make suitable scenes to learn, it can interest Ss’ interesting of English learning.


1The students can listen, read, say and write the words: a jacket, a dress, a shirt, a blouse.

2The students can understand and use the sentence structures: Can I help you? I’d like …

3The students can say a rhyme : Zip, zip, zip


1The words: a jacket, a dress, a shirt, a blouse.

2 The sentence structures: Can I help you? I’d like …

3 The rhyme

4 The sound


Before having the lesson we should get much ready for the unit.While teaching we should pay attention to the ways and the students. At last we should get a good plan for consolidating the knowledge





The content of this unit is about ‘somewhere has something”. The sentence structure is “there is…”, Let Ss know the difference between “there is…” and “have”. In this unit , teacher should train the students’ consciousness of environmental protection


1The students can listen, read, say and write the words: a bottle, a box, a can.

2The students can understand and use the sentence structures: Look! There is a … There is a …Let’s keep the water clean.

3The students can say a rhyme : A bottle


1The words: a bottle, a box, a can.

2 The sentence structures: Look! There is a … There is a …Let’s keep the water clean.

3 The rhyme

4 The sound



Before having the lesson we should get much ready for the unit. While teaching we should pay attention to the ways and the students. At last we should get a good plan for consolidating the knowledge





The content of this unit is about “fix the place”. Students try to learn the sentence patterns “Where’s the…” and “ It’s on/in…”, students can bring some photos, through games and match students must practice fluently.


1The students can listen, read, say and write the words: on, in, a bed, a TV

2 students can understand and use the sentence structures: Where’s the …? It’s…

3The students can sing a song: The dog is in the plane


1The words: on, in, a bed, a TV

2 The sentence structures: Where’s the …? It’s…

3 The song

4 The sound


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