Flash CS4教程:AS3制作非常漂亮的曲线5
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Flash CS4教程:AS3制作非常漂亮的曲线5,
Draw the buttons and make the click events
Now we write a function for each button that applies the colors and effects we have created in the beginning. On each function we insert the text buttons into the stage by drawing it with actionscript 3.0 using the drawRect class and we choose the rectangle fill color. Then we create a second function inside this one which calls the MouseEvent we have mentioned above and will start the effect.
private function drawFireBtn(obj:MovieClip):void { with(obj.graphics) { beginFill(0x0000ff,0); drawRect(0,0,20,20); endFill(); } fireTF.text = "Fire" fireTF.textColor = 0x666666; fireTF.mouseEnabled = false; fireTF.selectable = false; this.addChild(obj); obj.buttonMode = true; obj.addChild(fireTF); obj.x = 20; obj.y = 380; } private function makeFire(E:MouseEvent):void { sp.filters = [bf,growFilter,growFilter_b,dropShadow]; } private function drawSkyBtn(obj:MovieClip):void { with(obj.graphics) { beginFill(0x0000ff,0); drawRect(0,0,20,20); endFill(); } skyTF.text = "Sky" skyTF.textColor = 0x666666; skyTF.mouseEnabled = false; skyTF.selectable = false; this.addChild(obj); obj.buttonMode = true; obj.addChild(skyTF); obj.x = 70; obj.y = 380; } private function makeSky(e:MouseEvent):void { sp.filters = [bf,growFilter_2,growFilter_b_2,dropShadow_2]; } private function drawGrassBtn(obj:MovieClip):void { with(obj.graphics) { beginFill(0x0000ff,0); drawRect(0,0,25,20); endFill(); } grassTF.text = "Grass" grassTF.textColor = 0x666666; grassTF.mouseEnabled = false; grassTF.selectable = false; this.addChild(obj); obj.buttonMode = true; obj.addChild(grassTF); obj.x = 120; obj.y = 380; } private function makeGrass(e:MouseEvent):void { sp.filters = [bf,growFilter_3,growFilter_b_3,dropShadow_3]; } private function drawSunBtn(obj:MovieClip):void { with(obj.graphics) { beginFill(0x0000ff,0); drawRect(0,0,20,20); endFill(); } sunTF.text = "Sun" sunTF.textColor = 0x666666; sunTF.mouseEnabled = false; sunTF.selectable = false; this.addChild(obj); obj.buttonMode = true; obj.addChild(sunTF); obj.x = 170; obj.y = 380; } private function makeSun(e:MouseEvent):void { sp.filters = [bf,growFilter_4,growFilter_b_4,dropShadow_4]; } } }
This was the Line Effect tutorial. I hope it will be usefull for many of you. Now you can try to create your own line effects and drop a comment mentioning the url of your experiments. We are always looking for the results of our tutorials.
,Flash CS4教程:AS3制作非常漂亮的曲线5《Flash CS4教程:AS3制作非常漂亮的曲线5》相关文章
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