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高二英语第十八单元Mainly Revision ( 阶段复习 )

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标签:高二英语选修7教案范文,高二英语下册教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 高二英语第十八单元Mainly Revision ( 阶段复习 ),
We had stayed in the hotel for nearly an hour when / before word came that she had an accident .
另外,注意:had + done … when / before … 的倒装结构是:Hardly had …… 。如:
Hardly had she seen the snake when she gave out a cry of fear .
3. She found herself at the front of the train .
〖明晰〗find的复合结构有:find + 宾语 + 介词短语(形容词、现在分词、过去分词、副词、不带to的不定式)。如:
I found the story moving . (形容词)
I found the snake moving from side to side . (现在分词)
I found the snake move that day . (不定式)
4. By that time Tina and Max were beginning to feel less anxious .
We are glad you are beginning to see the importance of English .
5. I was pleased that the manager had decided not to be angry with me for having been so rude .
〖明晰〗for having been so angry是作状语的,说明be angry的原因。having been是现在完成时,表示动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。又如:
I don’t know remember having told you about it .
Jim was punished for having killed the dog .
She was sorry for having wasted so much time .
6. Now I joke and say to everyone that I dare tell my manager exactly what I think of him .
〖明晰〗这是一个复合句,that引导的宾语从句中又有what引出另一个作tell的宾语从句。另外,joke在本句是不及物动词,joke with sb about sth因……和某人开玩笑。
Three Feet
Dotty Aunt Muriel received a letter one morning and upon reading it burst into a flood of tears .
“What\'s the matter ?”asked her companion .
“Oh, dear ,”sobbed Auntie, “it\'s my favorite nephew, he\'s got three feet .”
“Three feet now ?”exclaimed her friend, “Surely that\'s not possible ?”
“Well, ”said Auntie, “his mother\'s just written to tell me he\'s grown another foot !”
注:foot有“脚,英尺”的意思。这里he\'s grown another foot 是“他又长了一英尺”的意思。
Where to Stick the Stamp ?
A very grand lady made her very first visit to a post office ─— previously one of her servants had always gone for her . And in she went to purchase a postage stamp . Gazing at the small gummed piece of paper she said haughtily to the clerk, “Have I got to stick this on myself ?”
“No, lady, ”came the reply. “You stick it on the envelope !”
注:“Have I got to stick this on myself ?”有两个意思:1. “我得自己贴这东西吗?”;2. “我得把这东西贴在自己身上吗?”贵夫人指前者,邮务员指后者。
One day , I went into the forest for an investigation ( 考察 ) with several African friends . On the way back , we saw a great group of ants get in our way . It was full two metres wide . The dark mass of ants gave out a loud rustling ( 沙沙的 ) sound as if a fine rain were falling . Some little animals , such as frogs , insects and so on , were eaten up on the way of the ants\' moving . We also saw a big snake thick as an arm was tormented ( 折磨 ) to death by the ants .
I was about to rush across it when one of my African friends stopped me . He said , “This is that the ants are moving to another place . The ants of this kind are terrible . Once you are bitten by them , red spots ( 斑 ) will appear on your skin , which will make you itch ( 发痒 ) horribly . You also will have a high fever . ”I was afraid at his words . He said again , “We mustn\'t ask for trouble . ”So we had to wait for more than an hour . We didn\'t go on with our journey until they passed by .
1 . From the passage we can know the writer _______ .
A . is from Africa B . is from America
C . is a visitor D . is a scientist
2 . “a fine rain”here may mean _______ .
A . 好雨 B . 春雨 C . 细雨 D . 大雨
3 . One the way of the ants\' moving , little animals ______ .
A . were all killed B . were all distroyed
C . were all driven away D . were all badly tormented
4 . Why was the writer stopped to rush across the group of the ants ? Because ________ by the ants .
A . he would be eaten up B . he would badly itch
C . he would be bitten D . he would be badly wounded
5 . Which of the following is the best title for the passage ?
A . Having An Investigation B . The Bad Ants In Africa
C . Ants Moving D . Ants Eating Little Animals
答案及简析:1 . D。从作者和几位非洲朋友去森林考察,可知作者不是非洲人,是从事考察的科学家。2 . C。可以想象到,只有在下细雨时,雨滴打在物体上会发出沙沙的声音。 3 . A。eat up 是“吃掉 ( 完 ) ”的意思,也意味着被杀光的意思。D项后没有 to death , 只意味着“被折磨”,而没有“死去”的意思。 4 . C。从故事的描述来看,人不可能被吃掉,只是被咬伤后引起其它的不适或病症。 5 . C。一篇故事的题目须体现故事的主题。这篇故事的主线是作者看到蚂蚁搬家时的情景,因此是故事的主题。
1 . 省略主语。
(I) Beg your pardon .
(You) Come to the front and act out the dialogue .
(It) Doesn\'t matter .
2. 省略谓语或谓语的一部分。
(Is) Anything the matter?
I helped Tom more than John(did) .
John came in September but Bob(came) in October .
3. 省略宾语
“Do you know his girlfriend?”“No, I don\'t know (his girlfriend)”
Mary washed(the shirts), Jane ironed ( the shirts) , and Alice folded the shirts .
4. 省略主语和谓语(或谓语一部分)

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,高二英语第十八单元Mainly Revision ( 阶段复习 )


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