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标签:七年级下册英语教案范文,七年级下英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 七年级英语上册unit5教案2,


    Period 2 Listening, speaking and reading
    Target language 目标语言
    1. Words and phrases 生词和短语
    her, my, his, name, bus, Mr., Mrs., student, police officer, driver, bus driver, worker
    2. Key sentences 重点句子
    My ___ is a ___.
    Her / His name is _____.
    She lives in Canada.
    We are the Smith family
    Ability goals 能力目标
    Enable students to introduce others' families according to the family trees and their own family members' jobs and names.
    Learning ability goals 学能目标
    Help students grasp the expressions to introduce others' families and their own family members' jobs and names.
    Teaching important points 教学重点
    How to introduce their family members.
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
    Learn to introduce the family members' jobs and names.
    Teaching methods 教学方法
    Listening, speaking and reading.
    Teaching aids 教具准备
    Audiotape and pictures.
    Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
    Step I Revision
    a. Greeting
    T: Good morning, boys and girls.
    Ss: Good morning, Miss / Mr…
    b. Ask and answer about each other's ages.
    c. Introduce the family according to the family tree or the photo.
    T: Is there anyone who take the photo of your family? If you take the photo, show it and introduce them to us.
    Step II Presentation
    Introduce Li Ming's family, present the verb form for the third person singular form and explain the use of them.
    T: This is Li Ming's family. He lives in Canada. He has no brothers or sisters. His mother and father only have one son, Li Ming. His uncle and aunt have one daughter, Jing. He loves his family.
    Step III Practice
    a. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:
    1. Where does Jenny live? (She lives in Canada.)
    2. Who is Mr. Smith? (He is Jenny's father.)
    3. What is her brother's name? (Her brother's name is Bob.)
    4. Who is Lynn? (She is Jenny's sister.)
    b. Listen to the tape and repeat.
    c. Draw and talk
    Let the students draw their family trees and exchange them with their partners. Then talk about their partners' family trees.
    Step IV Presentation
    Show pictures to introduce the new words "bus driver", "worker", and "policeman" and read the words several times.
    Step V Practice
    a. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.
    T: What's Jenny's mother, Mrs. Smith? (Explain the meaning of the sentence in Chinese.)
    S1: She is a bus driver.
    T: Good. What's Jenny's father, Mr. Smith?
    S2: He is a worker.
    T: Right. What's Jenny's brother, Bob?
    S3: He is a policeman.
    T: What's Jenny's sister, Lynn?
    S4: She is a student.
    T: Very good. You are clever.
    b. Listen to the tape and repeat.
    c. Learn
    Show them to Ss.
    1. the Smith family = the Smiths
    2. The family are watching TV.
    "Family" refers to "family members".
    3. The Smith family is a happy one.
    In this sentence, "family" is regarded as one group. So "is" is used.
    d. Pair work
    T: We have known Jenny's family. Now let's have a pair work. One acts as Jenny. One ask and answer about Jenny's family in pairs.
    A sample dialog:
    S1: What's your name?
    S2: My name is Jenny.
    S1: How old are you?
    S2: I'm twelve years old.
    S1: What's your sister's name?
    S2: Her name is Lynn.
    S1: Is she a student?
    S2: Yes, she is.
    Step VI Homework
    a. Finish the exercises in the activity book.
    b. Recite the introduction about Jenny's family.
    c. Preview Lesson 35.



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