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标签:七年级下册英语教案范文,七年级下英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 七年级英语上学期unit3教案7,


    Period 6 Listening, speaking and reading
    Target language 目标语言
    1. Words and phrases 生词和短语
    tall, meter, stand, on
    2. key sentences 重点句子
    How tall are / is ____?
    Ability goals 能力目标
    Enable students to express their height.
    Learning ability goals 学能目标
    Help students grasp the expression to ask and answer the height.
    Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点
    Learn the key sentence: How tall are / is ____? I am _____ meter(s) tall. She / He is ____ meter(s) tall.
    Teaching methods 教学方法
    Speaking and listening.
    Teaching aids 教具准备
    Audiotape and pictures.
    Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
    Step I Revision
    a. Greeting
    b. Sing the song --- head, shoulders, knees, toes.
    c. Recite Part 3 in Lesson 21 according to the key words.
    name hair eyes
    Jenny short, blond blue
    Linda long, red green
    Danny three green (body)
    Step II Presentation
    a. Show pictures of Yao Ming and Pan Changjiang and learn tall and short.
    T: Look at the pictures please. What's his name?
    Ss: His name is Yao Ming.
    T: Yes. He's a basketball player. He is tall. Tall.
    Ss: Tall.
    T: What about him? What's his name?
    Ss: His name is Pan Changjiang.
    T: Yes. Is he tall?
    Ss: No.
    T: He is short. Short.
    Ss: Short.
    Step III Practice
    a. Ask and answer.
    Ask two students (One is tall and the other is short.) to come to the front.
    T: (Point to the tall one.) Is he tall or short?
    Ss: He's tall.
    T: (Point to the short one.) Is he tall or short?
    Ss: He's short.
    b. Listen to the tape and repeat
    c. Practice in pairs
    S1: Are you tall or short?
    S2: I'm tall. Are you tall or short?
    S1: I am short.
    Step IV Presentation
    Ask and answer with students to talk about the height. Write several heights on the blackboard and read.
    T: I'm not tall. How tall am I? I am 1.6 meters tall. (Write 1.6 meters tall on the blackboard.) 1.6 meters --- one point six meters.
    Ss: One point six meters.
    T: (Write other numbers.) 1.5 meters --- one point five meters.
    Ss: One point five meters.
    Practice with some other numbers.
    T: I'm 1.6 meters tall. (To one student) How tall are you?
    S1: (Help him to say.) I'm 1.7 meters tall.
    T: Yao Ming is very tall. How tall is he?
    S1: He is 2.2 meters tall.
    T: What about Pan Changjiang?
    S2: He is one point six meters tall.
    T: Good. You know it.
    Step V Practice
    a. Listen and answer the questions
    1. Is Danny 4.1 meters tall?  (No, he isn't.)
    2. How tall is he?  (He is one point six meters tall.)
    b. Listen to the tape and repeat
    Explain the meaning of "stand on your feet".
    c. Make a survey about height in groups.
    Step VI Read
    Let the students read a passage about the Great Wall. The teacher can explain it. Here is the passage:
    The Great Wall, the only man made structure on the earth, and it can be seen from the moon. The average height of the wall is 7.8 meters, and its breadth averages 6.5 meters at the base, and 5.8 meters at the top.
    Step VII Homework
    a. Finish the exercises in the activity book.
    b. Write some sentences about a friend's hair, clothes and height.
    c. Preview Lesson 23.



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