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标签:七年级下册英语教案范文,七年级下英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 七年级英语牛津版7AUNIT3学案8,


    第 八 课 时
    Study skills+Project+Check out
    1. 同学们, 丰富多彩的节日就要和我们说再见了,你是否感觉到了充实和满足呢?请你
    2. 同学们在学习中经常遇到困惑,可用制作卡片解决这个问题。
    1) How to make flash cards?
    First   Then    Next   Finally
    二. 知识导航。
    1. 学习目标:
    ①通过本节课的学习进一步掌握Wh-questions and answers 以及时间介词in, on, at的
    2. 重点概览。
    1) 本单元学过的节日名称:Halloween, Christmas, the Dragon Boat Festival,
    Easter, the Mid-autumn, New Year's Day, May Day, Children's Day, National
    2) cut out pieces of card, about 10cm×5cm
    cut out 剪出 a piece of 为一张,一片,一首等意思,后面修饰不可数名词。例如
    ,a piece of meat, three pieces of bread
    3) Write a sentence on each flash card.
    Each的意思为"每一个,各个"。例如each of us
    The cakes are $ 5each.
    4) Draw a picture on the other side of the flash card to give you a hint.在卡
    On the other side of…意思是"在…… 另一边"。
    No. 1 Middle School is on the other side of the street.
    5) Look at the cards during 10-minute study time and try to remember the
    sentences, questions or expressions on the card.
    如:I will have a three -week holiday.
    6) I want to buy Simon a present.
    Buy sb. Sth 为某人买某物,也可以改成buy sth for sb
    上面句子可改为:I want to buy a present for Simon.
    7)Which one is your umbrella?
    One 是指示代词,意为"一个",复数为ones.
    例如:I have two apples. One is big, the other is small.
    Those shoes are too small. We must buy some new ones.
    1. Christmas is in D________.
    2. Let's c________ Easter.
    3. I like the Mid-A_______ Festival.
    4. Peter wears a special c______ at Halloween.
    5. On the Dragon Boat Festival, we eat rice d_______.
    How to make flash cards?
    1. _______, about 10cm×5cm,. These are your flash cards.
    2. _______ on each flash cards.
    3. _______ on the other side of the flash card to give you a hint.
    4. _______ during your 10-minute study time, and ______ on the cards.
    1. I'm making a card.
    2. we'd like this yellow coat.
    3. He is our teacher.
    4. My bag is big.
    5. My birthday is on May 4th.
    6. Learning English is fun.
    7. They go to school by bike.
    8. It's in your bag.
    A: Hello! _______________________________________.
    B: Let me see. I think my favourite festival is Halloween.
    A: _______________________________________________.
    B: Because I like to play a game called "trick or treat".
    A: What other things do you do for Halloween?
    B: __________________________________________________.
    A: I hear you make pumpkin lanterns.
    B: You are right. And we also _____________________________________.
    A: What do you do at the party?
    B: ___________________________________________________________.


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